首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Chemical Society >DNA charge transport: Conformationally gated hopping through stacked domains

DNA charge transport: Conformationally gated hopping through stacked domains


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The role of base motions in delocalization and propagation of charge through double helical DNA must be established experimentally and incorporated into mechanistic descriptions of DNA-mediated charge transport (CT). Here, we address these fundamental issues by examining the temperature dependence of the yield of CT between photoexcited 2-aminopurine (Ap*) and G through DNA bridges of varied length and sequence. DNA assemblies (35-mers) were constructed containing adenine bridges Ap(A)(n)G (n = 0-9, 3.4-34 Angstrom) and mixed bridges, ApAAIAG and ApATATG. CT was monitored through fluorescence quenching of Ap* by G and through HPLC analysis of photolyzed DNA assemblies containing Ap and the modified guanine, N-2-cyclopropylguanosine ((CP)G); upon oxidation, the (CP)G radical cation undergoes rapid ring opening. First, we find that below the duplex melting temperature (similar to60 degreesC), the yield of CT through duplex DNA increases with increasing temperature governed by the length and sequence of the DNA bridge. Second, the distance dependence of CT is regulated by temperature; enhanced DNA base fluctuations within duplex DNA extend CT to significantly longer distances, here up to 34 Angstrom in <10 ns. Third, at all temperatures the yield of CT does not exhibit a simple distance dependence; an oscillatory component, with a period of similar to4-5 base pairs, is evident. These data cannot be rationalized by superexchange, hopping of a localized charge injected into the DNA bridge, a temperature-induced transition from superexchange to thermally induced hopping, or by phonon-assisted polaron hopping. Instead, we propose that CT occurs within DNA assemblies possessing specific, well-coupled conformations of the DNA bases, CT-active domains, accessed through base motion. CT through DNA is described as conformationally gated hopping among stacked domains. Enhanced DNA base motions lead to longer range CT with a complex distance dependence that reflects the roles of coherent dynamics and charge delocalization through transient domains. Consequently, DNA CT is not a simple function of distance but is intimately related to the dynamical structure of the DNA bridge.
机译:必须通过实验确定碱基运动在电荷的离域和通过双螺旋DNA传播中的作用,并将其纳入DNA介导的电荷传输(CT)的机械描述中。在这里,我们通过检查通过不同长度和序列的DNA桥在光激发的2-氨基嘌呤(Ap *)和G之间CT产量的温度依赖性来解决这些基本问题。构建了包含腺嘌呤桥Ap(A)(n)G(n = 0-9、3.4-34埃)和混合桥ApAAIAG和ApATATG的DNA组装体(35-mers)。 CT通过G对Ap *的荧光猝灭和对包含Ap和修饰的鸟嘌呤N-2-环丙基鸟苷((CP)G)的光解DNA组件的HPLC分析来监控CT。氧化时,(CP)G自由基阳离子迅速开环。首先,我们发现在双链体解链温度(约60摄氏度)以下,通过双链体DNA的CT产量随温度的升高而增加,该温度受DNA桥的长度和序列的控制。其次,CT的距离依赖性受温度调节。双链DNA内增强的DNA碱基波动将CT延伸到更长的距离,在10 ns内可达34埃。第三,在所有温度下,CT的产量都不会表现出简单的距离依赖性。一个振荡成分,其周期近似为4-5个碱基对,是显而易见的。这些数据不能通过超交换,注入到DNA桥中的局部电荷的跳跃,温度诱导的从超交换到热诱导的跳跃的跃迁或声子辅助的极化子跳跃来合理化。相反,我们建议CT发生在DNA组件内,该组件具有通过碱基运动访问的DNA碱基(CT活性域)的特定的,良好耦合的构象。通过DNA进行的CT被描述为堆叠结构域之间的构象门控跳跃。增强的DNA基本运动导致具有复杂距离依赖性的远程CT,这反映了相干动力学和电荷通过瞬态域离域的作用。因此,DNA CT不是距离的简单函数,而是与DNA桥的动力学结构密切相关。



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