首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice >The History of the Glasgow School of Art Fashion Show an Evolving Pedagogy

The History of the Glasgow School of Art Fashion Show an Evolving Pedagogy


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This article discusses a research project which utilized archive sources to construct the history of an art school fashion show, to examine the event as higher education (HE) learning and teaching method. The study of textiles has been part of the activities of the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) since its inception. Fashion as a discipline resulting in a distinct qualification is relatively new to the School. However, GSA's fashion show began in 1947 and this article focuses on a study undertaken to celebrate the seventieth-anniversary of the event. The collaborative project involved staff from GSA's Department of Fashion & Textiles, Archives & Collections (A&C) and Alumni Relations. The GSA archive was essential to the inquiry as it contains a wealth of information relating to the history of the School, its staff and students. The project methodology combined archival investigation, documentary and visual analysis, and participant feedback, towards exhibition curation. Outcomes from the project included an exhibition which ran alongside the 2017 student fashion shows and accompanying student-led events. This article provides insight into the types of archival material utilized and discusses the historical development of the show focusing on its evolving role in learning and teaching. The concluding section proposes areas for further investigation and highlights issues for consideration by collectors, institutions and archives.
机译:本文讨论了一个研究项目,该项目利用档案资源来构建艺术学校时装秀的历史,并将这一事件作为高等教育(HE)的学习和教学方法进行考察。自成立以来,对纺织品的研究一直是格拉斯哥艺术学院(GSA)活动的一部分。时尚作为一门学科,具有独特的资历,对学校而言相对较新。但是,GSA的时装秀始于1947年,本文重点研究为庆祝该活动成立70周年而进行的一项研究。该合作项目涉及GSA时装与纺织品,档案与馆藏(A&C)部门和校友关系部的工作人员。 GSA档案对于查询至关重要,因为它包含了大量与学校,其教职员工和学生的历史有关的信息。该项目方法论结合了档案调查,文献和视觉分析以及参与者对展览策展的反馈。该项目的成果包括与2017年学生时装秀以及伴随学生主导的活动同时举行的展览。本文深入介绍了所使用的档案材料的类型,并讨论了该节目在学习和教学中不断发展的作用的历史发展。结论部分提出了需要进一步调查的领域,并着重指出了供收藏家,机构和档案馆考虑的问题。



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