首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Ionization Around a High-Voltage Body in Magnetized Nonflowing Ionospheric Plasma

Ionization Around a High-Voltage Body in Magnetized Nonflowing Ionospheric Plasma


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The electron sheath structure around a cylindrical body with a finite length that is biased to a high positive potential in a magnetized nonflowing ionospheric plasma with enhanced neutral density is studied. The results of Monte-Carlo particle-in-cell simulations show that the sheath boundary increases as the neutral density increases and ionization occurs inside the sheath. There is a critical neutral density above which the sheath expands infinitely, i.e., sheath explosion. A formula of the critical neutral density is derived through theoretical formulation. The theoretical results are compared with the results of the simulation, which serves as a numerical experiment, to check the validity of various assumptions made to derive a simple formula for the critical neutral density. The theoretical formula predicts that the critical neutral density lies in a narrow range of 6 x 10~(16) ~ 6 x 10~(17) m~(-3), leaving little dependence on the spacecraft surface potential at typical ionospheric conditions.
机译:研究了在具有增强的中性密度的磁化非流动电离层等离子体中,圆柱体周围具有有限长度的电子鞘结构,该结构被偏置为高正电势。蒙特卡洛细胞内颗粒模拟的结果表明,鞘层边界随着中性密度的增加而增加,并且鞘层内部发生电离。存在临界中性密度,在该临界中性密度以上,鞘无限膨胀,即,鞘爆炸。临界中性密度的公式是通过理论公式得出的。将理论结果与作为数值实验的仿真结果进行比较,以检验为推导临界中性密度的简单公式而做出的各种假设的有效性。理论公式预测,临界中性密度处于6 x 10〜(16)〜6 x 10〜(17)m〜(-3)的狭窄范围内,在典型的电离层条件下对航天器表面电势的依赖性很小。



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