首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the western lacustrine plain of Llancanelo Lake, Mendoza, Argentina

Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the western lacustrine plain of Llancanelo Lake, Mendoza, Argentina


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Lakes are key sites for studying paleoclimates. Llancanelo Lake (southern Mendoza Province, western Argentina) is an endoreic, highly saline water body located in the southern extreme of a tectonic basin, the Central or Huarpes Depression. The lake is located between the Andean Cordillera, San Rafael Block and Payenia Volcanic Field. The lake evolved as a major regional depocenter during the Pliocene-Quaternary, hence it contains important thicknesses of intra and extra basinal clastic and evaporitic sediments mainly dominated by volcaniclastic products. The main conditioning factors in the lake evolution were arc and back-arc volcanism as well as climatic changes. Geomorphological and sedimentary evidence supports the hypothesis that the lake was in past times larger than in present days. This paper estimates the lake's former extension on the western lacustrine plain using electromagnetic induction (EMI) and geo-electricity (Multielectrode Resistivity Meter) surveys, as well as shallow wells, along an 8 km long transect perpendicular to the lake's western shoreline. The geophysical and sedimentological information, as well as microfaunal studies, lab analysis and petrographic/EDAX determinations, support the presence, in the subsoil, of a lacustrine sequence at least 30 m thick composed mainly of volcaniclastic sediments. Volcanic eruptions and climatic changes influenced the evolution of the lake, producing intercalations in the lacustrine sedimentary sequences of ash layers, evaporites, soils, and eolian and swamp deposits.
机译:湖泊是研究古气候的关键场所。 Llancanelo湖(阿根廷西部门多萨省南部)是一种内陆,高盐度水体,位于构造盆地的南部极端,中部或Huarpes凹陷。该湖位于安第斯山脉,圣拉斐尔街区和Payenia火山场之间。该湖在上新世-第四纪期间发展成为主要的区域沉积中心,因此它包含主要由火山碎屑产物支配的重要的内部和外部盆地碎屑和蒸发沉积物厚度。湖泊演变的主要条件因素是弧和弧后火山作用以及气候变化。地貌和沉积证据支持这样的假设:过去的湖泊比现在的大。本文使用电磁感应(EMI)和地电(Multielectrode Resistivity Meter)测量以及沿垂直于湖西海岸线的8公里长断面的浅井,估算了湖在西湖平原上的前延。地球物理和沉积学信息,以及微真菌研究,实验室分析和岩相/ EDAX测定,支持了在底土中存在至少30 m厚的湖相序列,主要由火山碎屑沉积物组成。火山喷发和气候变化影响了湖泊的演变,在灰烬层,蒸发岩,土壤,风积和沼泽沉积物的湖相沉积层序中产生了插层。



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