首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >The formation placement and palaeoenvironment of the Middle Miocene Los Atajos Member, Trinidad

The formation placement and palaeoenvironment of the Middle Miocene Los Atajos Member, Trinidad

机译:特立尼达中新世中部Los Atajos成员的形成位置和古环境

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The age, palaeoenvironment and formation placement of the conglomeratic Los Atajos Member of central Trinidad have long been unclear. Seven samples (four from calcareous silts near the member's base exposed by building work at the Los Atajos Community Centre, and three from the underlying calcareous claystones of the Brasso Formation) were examined for calcareous microfossils. These indicate a conformable succession encompassing an overall regression. The oldest of the claystone samples, of uppermost early Middle Miocene Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Zone age (N11), contained an upper bathyal benthic foraminiferal assemblage, while the younger claystone samples yielded abundant, shallow neritic Hanzawaia carstensi. The recovery of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia mayeri but absence of Globigerinoides subquadratus suggest a Middle Miocene age (Globorotalia mayeri planktonic foraminiferal Zone; N14) for both the uppermost Brasso claystone sample and the Los Atajos Member. The benthic foraminiferal fauna in the Los Atajos is dominated by Rosalina subaraucana, with subdominant Cibicides ex gr. aknerianus and C floridanus sensu Galloway and Heminway, and common Elphidium spp. This faunal succession has a close affinity with that of parts of the Lower to Middle Miocene Brasso Formation, especially the N10 Guaracara Limestone Member and the clays on which it sits. However, the Los Atajos Member assemblage differs markedly from that of the overlying Late Miocene San Jose Calcareous Silt Member of the Manzanilla Formation, from which the Los Atajos is separated by an unconformity of Globorotalia menardii (N15) Zone age. On these grounds, the Los Atajos Member is here placed within the Brasso Formation. The low diversity, high dominance benthic foraminiferal fauna and the associated ostracod assemblage in the Los Atajos are indicative of inner to shallower middle neritic palaeodepths in a carbonate-prone palaeoenvironment with marine vegetation and strong current action. It is concluded that the Los Atajos was deposited prior to the Late Miocene diversion of the palaeo-Orinoco River towards Trinidad, which is marked by the Manzanilla Formation. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:特立尼达中部大集团Los Atajos成员的年龄,古环境和地层位置一直不清楚。检查了七个样品(四个成员来自Los Atajos社区中心的建筑工作暴露出来的靠近成员基地的钙质粉砂,三个来自Brasso组的钙质粘土岩)中的钙质微化石。这些表明包含整体回归的顺应性继承。最古老的粘土岩样品,是中新世中新世纪的全球最晚的福希富希带地区(N11),其上有一个深基性底栖有孔虫的组合,而较年轻的粘土岩样品则产生了丰富而浅的浅色汉萨岩。浮游有孔虫Globorotalia mayeri的恢复但不存在Globigerinoides subquadratus,这表明最上层的Brasso粘土岩样品和Los Atajos成员均处于中新世时代(Globorotalia mayeri浮游有孔虫区; N14)。洛斯阿塔霍斯(Los Atajos)的底栖有孔虫动物群落主要由玫瑰蔷薇(Rosalina subaraucana)和主要的Cibicides ex gr主导。 aknerianus和C floridanus sensu Galloway和Heminway,以及常见的Elphidium spp。该动物区系与中新世中低层布拉索斯组的部分,特别是N10瓜拉卡拉石灰岩成员及其所处的粘土具有密切的亲和力。但是,Los Atajos成员组合与上覆的中新山圣何塞钙质淤积的Manzanilla组成员明显不同,Los Atajos被不符合Globorotalia menardii(N15)带年龄的不整合所分隔。基于这些理由,Los Atajos成员在此处被置于Brasso组内。 Los Atajos的低多样性,高优势底栖有孔虫动物群和相关的成龙类组合表明,在碳酸盐岩易生古环境中,内部到浅层中古古生物深度较深,海洋植被丰富,电流作用强。结论是,Los Atajos沉积是在晚中新世将古奥里诺科河向特立尼达河转移之前,这是由曼萨尼拉组形成的。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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