首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Origin and age of coeval gabbros and leucogranites in the northern subprovince of the borborema province, NE Brazil

Origin and age of coeval gabbros and leucogranites in the northern subprovince of the borborema province, NE Brazil


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The Paleoproterozoic Serrinha Pedro Velho Complex comprises orthogneisses and migmatites, exposed in the south part of the Archean Sao Jose do Campestre Massif, Rio Grande do Norte domain of the Borborema Province, NE, Brazil. During the Ediacaran, the Serrinha-Pedro Velho Complex underwent metamorphism at HT/LP conditions in a tectonic setting dominated by dextral transpressive deformation, dated at 575Ma. Crustal melting generated various plutons and dykes of leucogranites with composition ranging from syeno-to monzogranites. Mafic rocks, including gabbros, norites and diorites also occur as dykes and small plutons intruded into the Serrinha-Pedro Velho Complex. Features of mixing and mingling between mafic and leucogranitic magmas were recorded locally. The granites and mafic rocks show field features and geochemical signatures of extension related magmatism. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon data yielded similar Concordia ages for felsic (582 5 Ma) and mafic (588 6 Ma) rocks. The leucogranites have strongly negative eNd (580 Ma) values (-19.8 to 24.3) and Paleoproterozoic to Archean Nd TOM model ages (2.2-2.6 Ga), similar to those recorded in the orthogneisses of the Serrinha Pedro Velho Complex. The mafic rocks show slightly higher eNd (580 Ma) values (-13.09 to 19.63). The leucogranites were probably generated by partial melting of a source similar to the Serrinha Pedro Velho orthogneisses. The mafic rocks are MgO-rich, and the less evolved ones show picritic basaltic composition, similar to mafic rocks from continental flood basalt provinces. We suggest that melting of Paleoproterozoic ponds of picrite (plume related?) generated the mafic magmas studied that, subsequently, evolved by olivine and pyroxene fractionation at great depth and underwent contamination with crustal melts.
机译:古元古代的Serrinha Pedro Velho复合体由裸露的片麻岩和辉长岩组成,暴露于巴西内布拉斯加州博里博马省北里奥格兰德州的太古代圣何塞·坎普斯特雷地块的南部。在Ediacaran时期,Serrinha-Pedro Velho配合物在HT / LP条件下发生了变质作用,构造背景为右旋超压变形,时间为575Ma。地壳融化产生了各种亮晶岩和白云岩脉,其组成范围从亚硒酸盐到辉长岩。基岩,辉长岩和闪长岩等基性岩也以堤防和小型岩体侵入Serrinha-Pedro Velho复合体的形式出现。局部记录了镁铁质岩浆岩和白垩纪岩浆之间混合和混合的特征。花岗岩和镁铁质岩表现出与伸展有关的岩浆作用的场特征和地球化学特征。 U-Pb SHRIMP锆石数据对于长英质(582 5 Ma)和镁铁质(588 6 Ma)岩石产生了类似的伴生年龄。白云岩的eNd(580 Ma)值极负(-19.8至24.3),古元古代至太古代Nd TOM模型年龄(2.2-2.6 Ga),与Serrinha Pedro Velho复杂的原片麻岩中记录的相似。基性岩显示出较高的eNd(580 Ma)值(-13.09至19.63)。无色花岗岩可能是通过部分融化类似于Serrinha Pedro Velho正片麻岩的来源而生成的。镁铁质岩石富含MgO,而演化程度较小的岩石则表现出苦滑玄武质成分,类似于大陆性洪泛玄武岩省的镁铁质岩石。我们认为,古元古代的微晶石池塘融化(与泡沫有关?)是研究的镁铁质岩浆,其随后通过深层橄榄石和辉石分馏而演化,并受到地壳熔体的污染。



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