首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Biostratigraphy and petrography of upper Paleozoic rocks of Sierra Las Pintas, northern Baja California

Biostratigraphy and petrography of upper Paleozoic rocks of Sierra Las Pintas, northern Baja California


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A transported crinoid fauna is herein described for the first time in the Paleozoic succession cropping out in the Sierra Las Pintas, northern Baja California, northwestern Mexico. The fossil association includes Heterostelechus texanus Moore and jeffords, Preptopremnum laeve? Moore and jeffords, and Mooreanteris perforatus Moore and Jeffords, which indicates a Middle Pennsylvanian-early Permian time-averaged age. The studied area corresponds with the northernmost outcrop of definitely late Paleozoic deep-water facies in northwestern Mexico and the southern United States. Petrographic analyses indicate that the studied metasandstones were primarily derived from high-grade metamorphic rocks and from a shallow-water platform environment dominated by crinoid meadows. These results allow the correlation of the studied metasedimentary rocks with the Carboniferous Rancho Nuevo Formation of the Sonora allochthon, which crops out in central Sonora. The Sonora allochthon includes an Early Ordovician-Late Pennsylvanian sedimentary succession that was deposited in the oceanic basin located south of the Laurentian craton. Therefore, upper Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Sierra Las Pintas were deposited along the same continental margin of Laurentia as those rocks in the Sonora allochthon, and were mostly derived from metamorphic rocks of the continental craton and by the typical Carboniferous encrinites, which characterize the shallow-water rocks of central and northern Sonora. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在墨西哥西北部北下加利福尼亚州的塞拉拉斯平塔斯山脉古生代中,首次描述了运输的海百合类动物。化石协会包括Heterostelechuchus texanus Moore和jeffords,Preptopremnum laeve? Moore和jeffords,以及Mooreanteris perforatus Moore和Jeffords,表示宾夕法尼亚州中部的二叠纪早期平均年龄。研究区域与墨西哥西北部和美国南部肯定晚古生代深水相的最北端露头相对应。岩石学分析表明,所研究的变质砂岩主要来自高品位的变质岩以及以海百合草甸为主的浅水平台环境。这些结果使所研究的准沉积岩与索诺拉异形岩的石炭纪兰乔-努埃沃组相关联,该组在索诺拉中部生出。索诺拉(Sonora)异源地块包括奥陶纪晚期宾夕法尼亚州晚期的沉积层序,该沉积层沉积在Laurentian克拉通南部的海洋盆地中。因此,塞拉拉斯平塔斯山脉的上古生界准沉积岩沿伦诺亚大陆边缘与索诺拉异形岩中的那些沉积在一起,并且主要来源于大陆克拉通的变质岩和典型的石炭纪辉绿岩。索诺拉州中部和北部的水岩石。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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