首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Service Research >Case Management with Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina

Case Management with Displaced Survivors of Hurricane Katrina


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Case management is a staple of post-disaster recovery, but there is limited research on this topic. Utilizing in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis, based on 78 interviews and attendance at approximately 50 public meetings, this longitudinal case study examined case management with displaced hurricane Katrina survivors in one host community between December 2005 and December 2006. Case managers identified, assessed, planned, linked, monitored, and advocated for survivors. They described engaging survivors and understanding their backgrounds and experiences as challenging. Lack of jobs, transportation, and affordable housing coupled with survivors' trauma and preexisting needs presented barriers to long-term recovery. Despite these difficulties, case managers felt positively about their efforts and identified coordination as a critical element for successful human/social services responses to natural disasters.
机译:案例管理是灾难后恢复的主要内容,但是对此主题的研究很少。该纵向案例研究利用深度访谈,观察和文档分析,基于78次访谈和大约50次公开会议的出席情况,研究了2005年12月至2006年12月间一个收容社区中卡特里娜飓风幸存者的流离失所情况。 ,对幸存者进行评估,计划,链接,监视和倡导。他们形容幸存的幸存者并理解他们的背景和经历具有挑战性。缺乏工作,交通和负担得起的住房,加上幸存者的创伤和原有的需求,为长期康复提供了障碍。尽管存在这些困难,案件管理者仍对工作做出积极的评价,并认为协调是成功的人类/社会服务对自然灾害作出反应的关键要素。



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