首页> 外文期刊>Journal of scholarly publishing >Edmund Husserl's Reception in Marvin Farber's Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Edmund Husserl's Reception in Marvin Farber's Philosophy and Phenomenological Research


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This article provides insight into the early history of the journal Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (PPR), which was founded by Marvin Farber in conjunction with the International Society of Phenomenology, particularly as it concerns the editorial struggles to remain faithful to the work of Edmund Husserl. The PPR was intended as a continuation of the Jahrbuch fur Philosophie und phanomenologische Forschung, which was the first philosophical platform for phenomenology. Many of Husserl's students who first published in the Jahrbuch formed the original editorial staff of Farber's journal and were dedicated to maintaining the spirit of phenomenology's founder in the journal. This commitment would be mitigated by the pragmatic temperament of American philosophy that Marvin Farber found in William James.
机译:本文提供了对《哲学与现象学研究》(PPR)的早期历史的见解,该杂志由马文·法伯(Marvin Farber)与国际现象学学会联合创立,特别是因为它为保持忠于埃德蒙·胡塞尔的著作而进行的编辑斗争。 PPR旨在作为Jahrbuch fur Philosophie und phanomenologische Forschung的延续,这是现象学的第一个哲学平台。最早在Jahrbuch发表的Husserl的许多学生组成了Farber杂志的原始编辑人员,并致力于在期刊中保持现象学创始人的精神。马文·法伯(Marvin Farber)在威廉·詹姆斯(William James)中发现的美国哲学的务实气质将减轻这种承诺。



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