首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Safety Research >Improving graduated driver licensing systems: A conceptual approach and its implications

Improving graduated driver licensing systems: A conceptual approach and its implications


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Graduated driver licensing (GDL) is a concept for how to transform non-drivers into reasonably safe drivers while minimizing the risks as they learn. Several state GDL programs can be improved by moving their structures closer to an adequate implementation of that concept. The learner stage of a GDL system needs to be long enough for beginners to obtain a thorough introduction to the vagaries of driving. The second or intermediate stage needs to effectively limit exposure to known high risk conditions as novices adapt to being fully in charge of the vehicle. The benefits of GDL to date are due almost entirely to the risk-reducing conditions it implements. To improve the functioning of GDL will probably require a better understanding of teen driving than we presently have. The likelihood of further gains will be enhanced by efforts to learn more about the actual causes of teen crashes, the nature and type of teen driver exposures, and what parents do with their teens during the supervised driving stage of GDL. Without a better understanding of these, and other, phenomena it will be difficult to further reduce crashes among young beginning drivers, whether through GDL enhancements or with other approaches.
机译:分级驾驶执照(GDL)是一个概念,用于将非驾驶员转变为合理安全的驾驶员,同时最大程度地降低他们学习时的风险。可以通过将其结构移近该概念的适当实现来改进几个州GDL程序。 GDL系统的学习者需要足够长的时间,以便初学者能够全面了解驾驶的各种变化。由于新手适合完全掌控车辆,因此第二阶段或中间阶段需要有效地限制暴露于已知的高风险条件。迄今为止,GDL的收益几乎完全归功于它实施的降低风险的条件。要改善GDL的功能,可能需要比我们目前更好地了解青少年驾驶。通过更多地了解青少年撞车的实际原因,青少年驾驶员暴露的性质和类型,以及在GDL监督驾驶阶段父母对青少年的处理方式,努力获得更多收益的可能性将会增加。如果没有更好地理解这些现象以及其他现象,则无论是通过GDL增强还是其他方法,都很难进一步减少年轻的新手驾驶员中的撞车事故。



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