首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Afghanistan's Future as Seen from Hindustan's Military Past

Afghanistan's Future as Seen from Hindustan's Military Past


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This article stems from an informal inquiry into how military history was employed in British and North American centres for higher military education to prepare officers for deployment to Afghanistan. The discussions were conducted with professional military educators who were actively teaching in institutions tasked with educating middle and senior ranking officers. When questioned about course reading materials and texts, there was little commonality of approach between the three North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) allies. There was, however, a common working assumption that the only applicable military history lessons were those drawn from the three Anglo-Afghan Wars fought in 1839-1842, 1878-1880 and 1919 respectively. When asked about the linkages of Afghanistan to Pakistan and the wider South Asian region, there was a begrudging admission that the war in Afghanistan could not be fought in isolation and that any lasting peace had to be considered within a greater regional framework. Yet when it was posited that there may be benefit to a wider approach to the applicability of regional military history, those queried could see little to no benefit in considering any military history lessons but those derived from the three previously cited Anglo-Afghan Wars. This paper suggests that if military history has a useful role to play in contemporary conflict analysis and, more importantly, professional military education, then there is merit in considering a wider historic canvas and that the events of Hindustan's military past lend themselves to such an application.
机译:本文源于对英国和北美的高级军事教育中心如何利用军事历史来准备部署到阿富汗的军官的非正式询问。讨论是与专业军事教育家进行的,他们正在负责中高级军官教育的机构中积极教书。当被问到关于课程阅读材料和教科书时,北大西洋公约组织(北约)的三个盟国之间的做法几乎没有共通之处。但是,人们普遍认为,唯一适用的军事历史课程是从分别于1839-1842年,1878-1880年和1919年发生的三场英阿战争中汲取的。当被问及阿富汗与巴基斯坦和更广泛的南亚地区之间的联系时,有一个令人沮丧的承认,阿富汗战争不能孤立地进行,任何持久和平都必须在更大的区域框架内加以考虑。然而,当人们认为,采用一种更广泛的方法来应用区域军事历史可能会有所裨益时,那些被问询的人在考虑任何军事历史教训时,只会从先前提到的三场英阿战争中学到的经验,几乎看不到任何好处。本文建议,如果军事历史在当代冲突分析中,尤其是在专业军事教育中发挥有益作用,那么考虑更广泛的历史画布是有好处的,而印度斯坦军事历史的发生也有助于这种应用。 。



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