首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Eurasian Influences on Yuan China. Edited by Morris Rossabi

Eurasian Influences on Yuan China. Edited by Morris Rossabi

机译:欧亚大陆对元中国的影响。莫里斯·罗萨比(Morris Rossabi)编辑

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This book is very much like the curate's egg: parts of it are excellent. It is an interesting reflection of the current state of Mongol/Yuan studies. Firstly, I am pleased to note that most of the contributors have backgrounds in Chinese studies. It would be good to see more contributions to the study of the Mongols from scholars of Chinese. As Joseph Fletcher pointed out (sadly, in an article published posthumously), the Chinese sources for the history of the Mongols are "more voluminous but less exploited" than the Persian sources.
机译:这本书非常像策展人的蛋:部分内容很棒。这是对蒙古/袁研究现状的有趣反映。首先,我很高兴地注意到,大多数贡献者都具有中文研究背景。很高兴看到中国学者为蒙古人的研究做出了更多贡献。正如约瑟夫·弗莱彻(Joseph Fletcher)所指出的那样(不幸的是,在其遗嘱中发表的一篇文章中),蒙古历史上的中国文献比波斯文献“更为庞大,但利用程度却更少”。



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