首页> 外文期刊>Journal of risk research >How do people perceive graphical risk communication? The role of subjective numeracy

How do people perceive graphical risk communication? The role of subjective numeracy


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This study aims to evaluate directly how a graphical risk ladder is perceived and how this perception is related to people's subjective numeracy. Gaze durations and frequencies were used to examine visual attention. Participants (N = 47) appeared to focus on the target risk information, whereas referential information was less attended. Subjective numeracy was negatively correlated with total watching time and the absolute number of gaze events. Results suggest that participants with low subjective numeracy have more difficulty in comprehending the graph, and that they process the graphical information less efficiently than the participants with high subjective numeracy. In addition, the position of referential risks on risk ladders could influence people's risk perception. Based on these findings, we provide some implications for the design of risk communication graphs and for the use of graphs in informing persons with low subjective numeracy about risks.
机译:这项研究旨在直接评估图形风险阶梯的感知方式以及这种感知方式与人们的主观计算能力之间的关系。注视持续时间和频率用于检查视觉注意力。参与者(N = 47)似乎专注于目标风险信息,而参考信息则较少参加。主观计算能力与总观看时间和注视事件的绝对数量呈负相关。结果表明,主观计算能力低的参与者难以理解图形,并且与高主观计算能力的参与者相比,他们处理图形信息的效率较低。此外,参考风险在风险阶梯上的位置可能会影响人们对风险的感知。基于这些发现,我们为风险交流图的设计和图的使用提供了一些启示,以告知主观计算能力低的人有关风险。



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