首页> 外文期刊>Journal of retailing and consumer services >Efficiency and quality as economic dimensions of perceived value: Conceptualization, measurement, and effect on satisfaction

Efficiency and quality as economic dimensions of perceived value: Conceptualization, measurement, and effect on satisfaction


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Perceived value has been analyzed from various perspectives, and a variety of typologies and dimensions have been suggested for the construct. Economic value is one of these types, which is posited in this study as being composed of two dimensions: efficiency and quality. Based on the typology of Holbrook [1999. Introduction to Consumer Value. In: Holbrook, M.B. (Ed.), Consumer Value. A Framework for Analysis and Research. London, pp. 1-28], the present study develops a conceptual framework and a measurement scale for these two components. The relationship between economic value and consumer satisfaction is also examined. The study also describes an empirical study that confirms the validity and usefulness of the proposed model. The results provide an operational tool for measuring economic value that will allow retailers to design suitable strategies for creating and delivering value to consumers. Furthermore, they demonstrate the usefulness of economic value as a concept in the study of consumer satisfaction.
机译:已从各种角度分析了感知价值,并为该结构提出了各种类型和尺寸。经济价值是其中一种类型,本研究认为经济价值由两个维度组成:效率和质量。基于Holbrook [1999年的类型学。消费者价值简介。在:霍尔布鲁克(版),消费者价值。分析和研究框架。伦敦,第1-28页],本研究为这两个组成部分开发了概念框架和度量标准。还考察了经济价值和消费者满意度之间的关系。该研究还描述了一项实证研究,证实了所提出模型的有效性和实用性。结果为衡量经济价值提供了一种操作工具,使零售商可以设计合适的策略来为消费者创造和交付价值。此外,他们证明了经济价值作为研究消费者满意度的概念的有用性。



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