首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Real Estate Literature >The Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL) Rankings for 2013-2017

The Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL) Rankings for 2013-2017


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The Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL) rankings for authors and institutions began in 2015 with a straightforward approach to measure author and institutional contributions to real estate research. While real estate research may traditionally be allied with business schools, authorship varies across university programs, as well as public and private organizations. That level of diversity makes it difficult to easily rank programs or departments, resulting in the university or organization as being the primary unit of analysis. The initial rankings in 2011-2015 attempted to highlight the authors and institutions making the greatest contributions to the field of real estate research based on publications in the top three peer-reviewed real estate journals. To some extent, the 2012-2016 rankings served as a check on the rankings from 2011-2015 to see if there were any major issues with the simple methodology used in the initial rankings. The 2013-2017 REAL rankings continue to highlight that part of the movement in the rankings can be attributed to individual movement to institutions.
机译:作者和机构的房地产学术领导力(REAL)排名始于2015年,采用一种直接的方法来衡量作者和机构对房地产研究的贡献。传统上,房地产研究通常与商学院联系在一起,但作者的身份随大学课程以及公共和私人组织的不同而不同。这种多样性的程度使得很难轻松地对计划或部门进行排名,从而使大学或组织成为分析的主要单位。 2011-2015年的初始排名试图根据在三本同行评审的房地产期刊上发表的出版物来突出在房地产研究领域做出最大贡献的作者和机构。在某种程度上,2012-2016年排名是对2011-2015年排名的检查,以查看初始排名中使用的简单方法是否存在任何重大问题。 2013-2017年REAL排名继续突显出,排名中的部分变动可归因于机构的个人变动。



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