首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of real estate finance and economics >The London Commercial Property Price Index

The London Commercial Property Price Index


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Of the top ten global commercial property markets, London's has had the highest transaction turnover for the past decade according to Real Capital Analytics. Its prime real estate is part of every major European and US institutional investor's portfolio and London's market has the most developed commercial property derivatives market outside of the US. Yet, no transaction-based index exists for the London office market. The aim of this study is to fill that gap. Using a comprehensive dataset of transactions from Estates Gazette interactive and Real Capital Analytics, this paper analyzes different repeat-sales estimation strategies and noise filters to produce a quarterly index series from the first quarter of 1997 to the fourth quarter of 2011. In addition, the index series is measured against IPD's London capital valuation series and the MIT Center for Real Estate New York office market repeat sales index series. Results show that the market turn of the first financial crisis is clearly visible in the transactions-based indices, and that this index leads the capital valuation series by about a year. London's office market seems to have been affected by the crisis considerably earlier than New York's market and correlations between the two markets are low.
机译:根据Real Capital Analytics的数据,在全球十大商业地产市场中,伦敦的交易成交额是过去十年来最高的。它的主要房地产是欧洲和美国主要机构投资者投资组合的一部分,伦敦市场拥有美国以外最发达的商业房地产衍生品市场。但是,伦敦办公市场不存在基于交易的指数。这项研究的目的是填补这一空白。本文使用来自Estates Gazette交互式交易和Real Capital Analytics的交易的综合数据集,分析了不同的重复销售估算策略和噪声过滤器,以生成从1997年第一季度到2011年第四季度的季度指数序列。指数系列是根据IPD的伦敦资本估值系列和MIT房地产中心纽约办公室市场重复销售指数系列衡量的。结果表明,在基于交易的指数中可以清楚地看到第一次金融危机的市场转向,并且该指数领先资本估值系列约一年。伦敦的办公楼市场受危机影响的时间似乎比纽约的早得多,而且这两个市场之间的相关性很低。



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