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Style of management and the relevance for workplace health promotion in small and medium sized enterprises


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In a small company, the whole company culture, including the management style, is dominated by the owner. The management culture in small companies and above all the management style of the owner determine the chances of successfully introducing workplace health promotion (WHP). For this reason a typology was developed that describes the management personalities who affect the company culture in small enterprises. This provides a guide to the possible success of WHP in connection with the management style. Although a summary of the management and corporate culture of small companies in a few categories cannot show the variety of social reality, it can provide orientation. The typical categories of company social order (a mixture of ownership and leadership) in small and medium-sized enterprises are given below. Furthermore, there is an assessment of what the chances of realising workplace health promotion are in each type of company. Small and medium-sized companies (SME) have a number of organisational characteristics which are just ideal for the introduction and implementation of workplace health promotion. The work of the employer and employees is often the same. Information in the company is generally comprehensive and easily available. The lack of information which employees often complain about in large companies is not a problem. There is a good flow of communication. Small companies have a flat hierarchy that enables participation, the essential requirement for WHP. There is a close social relationship between the company head and the workforce, although it must be said that this closeness can be dangerous, particularly if it is misused as complete social control. The readiness to implement Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) in SME and the degree of success depends largely on the personality of the company manager and the style of leadership. Considering the importance of a manager’s personality for WHP in SME, modules and instruments to assist company owners and managers in SME are to be developed. On behalf of and in co-operation with the Austrian Network for Workplace Health Promotion several modules have been introduced to assist owners and managers of SMEs.



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