首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Power Sources >Electrical and electrochemical performance characteristics of large capacity lithium-ion cells

Electrical and electrochemical performance characteristics of large capacity lithium-ion cells


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We are currently evaluating large capacity (20--40 Ah) Bluestar (cylindrical) and Yardney (prismatic) lithium-ion cells for their electrical and electrochemical performance characteristics at different temperatures. The cell resistances were nearly constant from room temperature down to-20deg. C, but increased by over l0 times at-40deg. C. The specific energies and powers, as well as the energy densities and power densities are high and did not reach a plateau even at the highest discharge rates tested. For example, the prismatic lithium-ion cells gave close to 280 Wh dm~-3 from a 4 A discharge and 249 Wh dm~-3 at 20 A, both at room temperature. For the same current range the specific energy values were l02 Wh kg~-1 and 9l Wh kg~-1Cycle life and other electrical and electrochemical properties of the cells will be presented.
机译:我们目前正在评估大容量(20--40 Ah)的Bluestar(圆柱型)和Yardney(棱晶型)锂离子电池在不同温度下的电性能和电化学性能。从室温到-20℃,电池电阻几乎恒定。 C,但在40度时增加了10倍以上。 C.比能量和功率以及能量密度和功率密度很高,即使在测试的最高放电速率下也没有达到平稳状态。例如,棱柱形锂离子电池在室温下从4 A放电产生了接近280 Wh dm〜-3,在20 A下产生了249 Wh dm〜-3。对于相同的电流范围,比能量值为102 Wh kg〜-1和9l Wh kg〜-1循环寿命以及电池的其他电气和电化学特性。



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