首页> 外文期刊>Journal of power sources >Voltammetric study of lead electrodeposition in the presence of sorbitol and morphological characterization

Voltammetric study of lead electrodeposition in the presence of sorbitol and morphological characterization


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The potentiodynamic electrodeposition of lead on a 1010 steel substrate from a new electrolytic solution was studied in order to establish whether sorbitol additive is suitable for the production of lead film for use in lead batteries and whether this polyalcohol can be used in lead scrap recycling. It was observed that the presence of sorbitol in the plating bath proved to be critical, since in its absence it was impossible to prepare solutions of plumbite in NaOH <2.0 M, became PbO is insoluble. Under potentiodynamic conditions the lead deposits obtained on 1010 steel could be transformed into high purity lead powder by undercutting of the lead film during the anodic dissolution scan. With the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs it was concluded that sorbitol reduced the lead dendritic growth more significantly than glycerol additive and that this new electrolytic solution could be used to recycle lead scrap.
机译:为了确定山梨糖醇添加剂是否适合生产铅电池用铅膜,以及该多元醇是否可用于废铅回收,研究了用新的电解液在1010钢基材上进行铅的电势电沉积。观察到电镀液中山梨糖醇的存在被证明是至关重要的,因为在不存在山梨糖醇的情况下,不可能在<2.0 M的NaOH中制备铅酸铅的溶液,导致PbO不溶。在电位动力学条件下,通过在阳极溶出扫描过程中对铅膜进行底切,可以将1010钢上获得的铅沉积物转化为高纯度铅粉。借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片,可以得出结论,山梨醇比甘油添加剂更能显着降低铅树枝状晶体的生长,并且这种新的电解液可用于回收废铅。



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