首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Portfolio Management >Using Binary Variables to Obtain Small Optimal Portfolios

Using Binary Variables to Obtain Small Optimal Portfolios


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The use of binary variables allows us to obtain exact solutions for two types of problem, the search for an optimal portfolio of a relatively small size, and the search for an optimal portfolio whose weights are greater than a given threshold or are zero. These two constraints can be introduced separately or together. The purpose of the optimization can be to track a benchmark or to construct an efficient portfolio (Markowitz model). The role of the constraints is to reduce transaction and administrative costs. The proposed models are quadratic integer programming problems. For a universe of 100 stocks, the solution using specialized software is simple and exact (one obtains a global optimum). For a universe of 250 stocks, the solutions take longer and, for low values of m, only an can be reached in reasonable computation time. But, even in this case, solutions are approximation better than those obtained by the Jansen-van Dijk method.
机译:使用二元变量可以使我们获得针对两种类型问题的精确解,即搜索大小相对较小的最优投资组合,以及搜索权重大于给定阈值或为零的最优投资组合。这两个约束可以分别或一起引入。优化的目的可以是跟踪基准或构建有效的投资组合(Markowitz模型)。约束的作用是减少交易和管理成本。所提出的模型是二次整数规划问题。对于总共100种股票,使用专用软件的解决方案既简单又精确(一个获得全球最优)。对于250种股票的整体而言,解决方案花费的时间更长,而对于m的较低值,在合理的计算时间内只能达到一个。但是,即使在这种情况下,其解也比通过Jansen-van Dijk方法获得的解更好。



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