首页> 外文期刊>Journal of policy modeling >Foreign worker participation in labor markets and the economy's welfare

Foreign worker participation in labor markets and the economy's welfare


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Using a small open economic model with dual labor markets, we investigate how changes in foreign workers' accessibility to labor markets affect the economy's welfare, i.e., the sum of the union's and policy authority's utilities. We assume that only a part of foreign workers can participate in labor markets due to impediments. We show that the economy's welfare increases as more unskilled foreign workers enter the secondary labor market in both cases of non-cooperation and cooperation between the union and the policy authority, while it does not always increase as more skilled foreign workers enter the primary labor market.
机译:我们使用具有双重劳动力市场的小型开放式经济模型,研究了外国工人进入劳动力市场的可及性的变化如何影响经济的福利,即工会和政策当局的效用之和。我们假定,由于障碍,只有一部分外国工人可以参加劳动力市场。我们发现,在工会与政策当局之间不合作与合作的情况下,随着更多的非熟练外劳进入二级劳动力市场,经济的福利会增加,而随着更多的熟练外劳进入初级劳动力市场,经济的福利不会总是增加。 。



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