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The impact of the 2002-2003 drought on Australia


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TERM (The Enormous Regional Model) is a "bottom-up" CGE model of Australia which treats each region as a separate economy. TERM was created specifically to deal with highly disaggregated regional data while providing a quick solution to simulations. This makes it a useful tool for examining the regional impacts of shocks that may be region-specific. We include some details of how we prepared the TERM database, using a national input-output table, together with regional data showing output (for agriculture) and employment (in other sectors) for each of 144 sectors and 57 regions (the Australian statistical divisions). Using a 38-sector, 45-region aggregation of the model, we simulate the short-run effects of the Australian drought of 2002-2003, which was the most widespread for 20 years. The effects on some statistical divisions are extreme, with income losses of up to 20%. Despite the relatively small share of agriculture in Australian GDP, the drought reduces GDP by 1.6%, and contributes to a decline in unemployment and to a worsening of the balance of trade.
机译:TERM(巨大区域模型)是澳大利亚的“自下而上”的CGE模型,将每个区域视为独立的经济体。 TERM是专门为处理高度分类的区域数据而创建的,同时为仿真提供了快速的解决方案。这使得它成为检查可能针对特定区域的冲击的区域影响的有用工具。我们使用国家投入产出表,以及如何显示144个部门和57个地区(澳大利亚统计部门)中每个部门的产出(农业)和就业(其他部门)的区域数据,包括如何准备TERM数据库的一些详细信息)。使用该模型的38个扇区,45个区域的汇总,我们模拟了2002-2003年澳大利亚干旱的短期影响,这是20年来最普遍的干旱。对某些统计部门的影响是极端的,收入损失高达20%。尽管农业在澳大利亚国内生产总值中所占的比例相对较小,但干旱使国内生产总值减少了1.6%,并导致失业率下降和贸易平衡恶化。



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