首页> 外文期刊>Journal of policy modeling >Periods and structural breaks in US economic history 1959-2007

Periods and structural breaks in US economic history 1959-2007


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Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to six macroeconomic time series observed over 1959-2007. Six periods in US economic history are identified by a cluster analysis of observations in the PCA score plot. The method is data driven with no a priori information on the number or dates of breaks. Our findings give independent support to the effect of the oil price shock in 1973, and the introduction of the Great Moderation period. Of the five transition periods, two have been identified by previous studies as breaks (1973, 1984), one is a well-known date of monetary policy change (1979), and two had not previously been identified (1970, 1977-1978). In the long-run inflation and the federal funds rate are unrelated to industrial production and unemployment. Inflation and interest are positively associated as predicted by the Fisher hypothesis. These long-run relations argue against the use of monetary policy to peg the rate of unemployment or real interest rates. In the short-run inflation acts a leading indicator for unemployment for the period 1959-1997, but not for the period after 1997. The well-established reduction in macroeconomic volatility in the mid-1980s is specific to the period from 1985 to 1997; volatility subsequently rises above pre-1979 levels.
机译:主成分分析(PCA)适用于1959-2007年间观察到的六个宏观经济时间序列。通过对PCA得分图中的观察结果进行聚类分析,可以确定美国经济史中的六个时期。该方法是数据驱动的,没有关于中断次数或中断日期的先验信息。我们的发现为1973年石油价格震荡的影响以及“大温和”时期的推出提供了独立的支持。在这五个过渡时期中,两个以前的研究已将其确定为中断(1973、1984),一个是众所周知的货币政策变更日期(1979),另外两个以前尚未确定(1970、1977-1978)。 。从长远来看,通货膨胀和联邦基金利率与工业生产和失业无关。正如费舍尔假说所预测的那样,通货膨胀和利息正相关。这些长期关系反对使用货币政策钉住失业率或实际利率。在短期内,通货膨胀是衡量1959-1997年期间失业率的主要指标,而不是1997年以后的失业率指标。1980年代中期公认的宏观经济波动性减少是针对1985年至1997年的;波动率随后升至1979年之前的水平。



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