首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice >Acceptance Sampling Plans for Pipeline Condition Assessment

Acceptance Sampling Plans for Pipeline Condition Assessment


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Pipeline condition data collection and assessment is the first step for strategic infrastructure asset management and planning. However, since condition data collection and assessment is a highly expensive and time-consuming process, comprehensive asset management often fails even before it starts. Many municipalities perform periodic closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspections as a preventive maintenance and management strategy. However, due to limited budgets, not all the pipelines are inspected periodically as initially planned and only some parts that are believed to have some problems are chosen to be inspected. Municipalities often hesitate to use sampling inspection because of possible risks of not assessing the pipe assets correctly that may end up as liability issues. This paper shows the calculations of the possible risks of sampling and the techniques to control those risks. Acceptance sampling with the rectifying inspection method was used, which is a method widely used in quality control in the manufacturing industry. First, pipelines were categorized based on age, material, and any other characteristics that were believed to be reliable criteria for categorizing pipe assets in similar conditions. Then randomly selected pipelines in each category were inspected. The amount of the selection was determined by the municipality's budget situation. The acceptance sampling with rectifying inspection method showed the improvement of average outgoing quality (AOQ). By repairing the defects in a sample inspection, not only was the quality level statistically measured, but the overall quality level also improved. By differing the sample sizes and the acceptance rates, optimization between inspection cost and quality can be achieved. The sampling strategy proposed in this paper presents the optimal CCTV inspection sampling strategy for an accurate condition estimation and provides the basis for the asset management plan. (C) 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
机译:管道状况数据的收集和评估是战略基础设施资产管理和规划的第一步。但是,由于条件数据的收集和评估是一个非常昂贵且耗时的过程,因此全面的资产管理甚至在启动之前就经常失败。许多市政当局定期进行闭路电视(CCTV)检查,作为预防性维护和管理策略。但是,由于预算有限,并非所有管道都按最初计划定期进行检查,因此只选择了一些被认为有问题的零件进行检查。市政当局常常不愿使用抽样检查,因为可能会存在无法正确评估管道资产的风险,最终可能会导致责任问题。本文介绍了可能的抽样风险计算方法和控制这些风险的技术。使用了通过整顿检验法进行的验收抽样,这是制造业质量控制中广泛使用的一种方法。首先,根据使用年限,材料和任何其他特征对管道进行分类,这些特征被认为是在类似条件下对管道资产进行分类的可靠标准。然后检查每个类别中随机选择的管道。选择的数量取决于市政当局的预算状况。整顿检验法验收表明平均出库质量(AOQ)有所提高。通过对样品检查中的缺陷进行修复,不仅可以对质量水平进行统计测量,而且还可以改善总体质量水平。通过不同的样本量和合格率,可以实现检验成本和质量之间的优化。本文提出的抽样策略提出了一种用于状态估计准确的最优央视检查抽样策略,并为资产管理计划提供了依据。 (C)2019美国土木工程师学会。



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