首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Modelled Variations of Deep Convection in the Irminger Sea during 2003-10

Modelled Variations of Deep Convection in the Irminger Sea during 2003-10


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Results from a high-resolution ice-ocean model are analyzed to understand the physical processes responsible for the interannual variability of ocean convection over the Irminger Sea. The modeled convection in the open Irminger Sea for the winters of 2007/08 and 2008/09 is in good agreement with observations. Deep convection is caused by strong atmospheric forcing that increases the ocean heat loss through latent and sensible heat fluxes. Greenland tip jets are found to be the only strong wind events that directly affect the deep convection area and explain up to 53% of the total turbulent heat loss during active convection years. Deep convection is modeled where there is favorable preconditioning of the water column due to isopycnal doming inside the semienclosed Irminger Gyre. The region of deep convection is also characterized by weak eddy kinetic energy. Finally, an estimation of the surface-forced water mass transformation confirms the Irminger Sea as a region of intermittent production of Labrador Sea Water, with annual averages between 0.9 and 1.9 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) of water denser than 27.7 kg m(-3) for years of active convection.
机译:分析来自高分辨率海洋模型的结果,以了解造成艾明格海上海洋对流年际变化的物理过程。 2007/08年和2008/09年冬季开放的艾明格海对流的模拟对流与观测值非常吻合。深对流是由强烈的大气强迫引起的,该强迫通过潜热和显热通量增加了海洋的热损失。格陵兰岛的尖端喷气机是唯一直接影响深对流区域的强风事件,可以解释活跃对流年内高达53%的总湍流热损失。深对流建模是在由于半封闭的艾明格涡流内部等渗拱顶而有利于水柱预处理的情况下进行的。深对流区域的特征还在于涡流动能弱。最后,对表面强迫水质转化的估计确认了艾明格海为拉布拉多海水的间歇性生产区域,年平均水银含量为0.9至1.9 ver(Sv; 1 Sv 10(6)m(3)s( -1))的对流年密度大于27.7 kg m(-3)的水。



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