首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Multiple Jets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current South of Australia

Multiple Jets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current South of Australia


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Maps of the gradient of sea surface height (SSH) and sea surface temperature (SST) reveal that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) consists of multiple jets or frontal filaments. The braided and patchy nature of the gradient fields seems at odds with the traditional view, derived from hydrographic sections, that the ACC is made up of three continuous circumpolar fronts. By applying a nonlinear fitting procedure to 638 weekly maps of SSH gradient (▽SSH), it is shown that the distribution of maxima in ▽SSH (i.e., fronts) is strongly peaked at particular values of absolute SSH (i.e., streamlines). The association between the jets and particular streamlines persists despite strong topographic and eddy-mean flow interactions, which cause the jets to merge, diverge, and fluctuate in intensity along their path. The SSH values corresponding to each frontal branch are nearly constant over the sector of the Southern Ocean between 100°E and 180°. The front positions inferred from SSH agree closely with positions inferred from hydrographic sections using traditional water mass criteria. Recognition of the multiple branches of the Southern Ocean fronts helps to reconcile differences between front locations determined by previous studies. Weekly maps of SSH are used to characterize the structure and variability of the ACC fronts and filaments. The path, width, and intensity of the frontal branches are influenced strongly by the bathymetry. The "meander envelopes" of the fronts are narrow on the northern slope of topographic ridges, where the sloping topography reinforces the β effect, and broader over abyssal plains.
机译:海面高度(SSH)和海面温度(SST)的梯度图显示,南极绕极洋流(ACC)由多个喷流或额叶细丝组成。梯度场的辫状和斑驳性质似乎与从水文剖面得出的传统观点不一致,即ACC由三个连续的绕极锋组成。通过对638个SSH梯度(▽SSH)每周图应用非线性拟合程序,可以看出▽SSH(即前​​沿)中的最大值分布在绝对SSH的特定值(即流线)处强烈达到峰值。尽管有强烈的地形和涡流均值相互作用,但射流与特定流线之间的联系仍然存在,这会导致射流沿其路径合并,发散和波动。在100°E和180°之间,与每个额叶分支相对应的SSH值在南大洋区域几乎恒定。从SSH推断出的最前面位置与使用传统水质标准从水文剖面推断出的位置非常吻合。对南大洋锋的多个分支的认识有助于调和先前研究确定的锋线位置之间的差异。 SSH的每周图用于表征ACC前沿和细丝的结构和变异性。测深法强烈影响额叶分支的路径,宽度和强度。在地形脊的北坡上,锋面的“弯道包络”较窄,倾斜的地形加强了β效应,在深海平原上更宽。



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