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Near-Surface Shear Flow in the Tropical Pacific Cold Tongue Front


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Near-surface shear in the Pacific cold tongue front at 2°N, 140°W was measured using a set of five moored current meters between 5 and 25 m for nine months during 2004-05. Mean near-surface currents were strongly westward and only weakly northward (~3 cm s~(-1)). Mean near-surface shear was primarily westward and, thus, oriented to the left of the southeasterly trades. When the southwestward geostrophic shear was subtracted from the observed shear, the residual ageostrophic currents relative to 25 m were northward and had an Ekman-like spiral, in qualitative agreement with an Ekman model modified for regions with a vertically uniform front. According to this "frontal Ekman" model, the ageostrophic Ekman spiral is forced by the portion of the wind stress that is not balanced by the surface geostrophic shear. Analysis of a composite tropical instability wave (TIW) confirms that ageostrophic shear is minimized when winds blow along the front, and strengthens when winds blow oblique to the front. Furthermore, the magnitude of the near-surface shear, both in the TIW and diurnal composites, was sensitive to near-surface stratification and mixing. A diurnal jet was observed that was on average 12 cm s~(-1) stronger at 5 m than at 25 m, even though daytime stratification was weak. The resulting Richardson number indicates that turbulent viscosity is larger at night than daytime and decreases with depth. A "generalized Ekman" model is also developed that assumes that viscosity becomes zero below a defined frictional layer. The generalized model reproduces many of the features of the observed mean shear and is valid both in frontal regions and at the equator.
机译:在2004-05年期间,使用5到25 m之间的一组5个系泊电流计,对太平洋冷舌锋在2°N,140°W处的近地表剪切进行了为期9个月的测量。平均近地表水流向西偏强,仅向北偏弱(〜3 cm s〜(-1))。平均近地表剪切力主要是向西,因此指向东南贸易的左侧。当从观测到的剪切力中减去西南向地转剪切力时,相对于25 m的残余年龄营养流向北,并具有类似Ekman的螺旋线,这与针对垂直垂直前缘区域修改的Ekman模型的定性一致。根据这种“额叶埃克曼”模型,年龄变质的埃克曼螺旋受风应力的作用,而该应力不受表面地转剪切的影响而无法平衡。对复合热带不稳定波(TIW)的分析证实,当风沿前吹时,变质剪切最小化,而当风向斜前吹时,变质剪切增强。此外,TIW和昼夜复合材料的近地表剪切强度对近地表分层和混合都很敏感。尽管白天的分层较弱,但在5m处观察到的日射流平均强度比25m处强12 cm s〜(-1)。理查森数的结果表明,夜间的湍流粘度大于白天的湍流粘度,并且随着深度的增加而减小。还开发了“通用Ekman”模型,该模型假定粘度在定义的摩擦层以下变为零。广义模型再现了观测到的平均剪切的许多特征,并且在额叶区域和赤道均有效。



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