首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pension economics and finance >Can The Poor Save? Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts

Can The Poor Save? Saving and Asset Building in Individual Development Accounts


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Mark Schreiner and Michael Sherraden have long held that a promising way to help the poor improve their lot is to encourage them to consume less today and save more for the future. In particular, they argue that certain forms of saving are likely to change behavior in ways that boost economic well-being; to that end, they have promoted individual development accounts (IDAs). When eligible people make deposits into IDAs, an external entity provides matching funds; this match then becomes available to the depositor only if funds are withdrawn for approved purposes. To promote the spread of IDAs, the authors joined with other collaborators and prominent U.S. foundations to support 13 demonstration projects and one genuine social experiment, collectively named the American Dream Demonstration (ADD). This book reports on the results of all fourteen ADD projects.
机译:马克·施赖纳(Mark Schreiner)和迈克尔·谢拉登(Michael Sherraden)长期以来一直认为,帮助穷人改善其生活水平的一种有前途的方法是鼓励他们今天减少消费,为将来储蓄更多。他们特别指出,某些形式的储蓄很可能以促进经济福祉的方式改变人们的行为。为此,他们促进了个人发展账户(IDA)。当合格人员向IDA存款时,外部实体会提供匹配资金;只有在出于批准目的提取资金后,存款人才能使用此匹配项。为了促进IDA的传播,作者与其他合作者和美国知名基金会一起支持了13个示范项目和一项真正的社会实验,统称为美国梦示范(ADD)。本书报告了所有14个ADD项目的结果。



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