首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pediatric Psychology >Diabetes Problem Solving by Youths with Type 1 Diabetes and their Caregivers: Measurement, Validation, and Longitudinal Associations with Glycemic Control

Diabetes Problem Solving by Youths with Type 1 Diabetes and their Caregivers: Measurement, Validation, and Longitudinal Associations with Glycemic Control


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Objectives This article introduces a new measure of problem-solving skills of youths with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and adult caregivers in correcting glycemic fluctuations. Methods The Diabetes Problem Solving Interview (DPSI), a structured interview, was validated during a pilot study of a behavioral intervention. DPSI data and measures of diabetes management were obtained at baseline from 114 youths (ages 9–14.5) and 109 caregivers. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was measured quarterly over 9 months. Results Results confirmed the psychometric adequacy of the DPSI. For caregivers, but not youths, low DPSI scores (indicating poor problem-solving skills) were significantly associated with worse HbA1c over 9 months. Conclusions The DPSI has clinical and research utility as a measure of diabetes problem-solving skills. Identification and targeted remediation of caregivers’ deficient diabetes problem-solving skills or promotion of youths’ utilization of these skills could possibly enhance glycemic control in youths with T1DM.
机译:目的本文介绍了一种新的解决青年人1型糖尿病(T1DM)和成人看护者解决血糖波动问题的技巧。方法在一项行为干预的初步研究中,对结构化访谈糖尿病问题解决访谈(DPSI)进行了验证。在基线时从114名青年(9-14.5岁)和109名护理人员中获得了DPSI数据和糖尿病管理指标。糖化血红蛋白(HbA 1c )在9个月内每季度测量一次。结果结果证实了DPSI的心理计量学足够性。对于看护者(而非青年人),DPSI分数低(表明解决问题的能力较弱)与9个月内HbA 1c 的恶化密切相关。结论DPSI具有临床和研究用途,可作为衡量糖尿病问题解决能力的一种方法。识别和有针对性的看护者的糖尿病解决问题技能或有针对性的补救措施,或提高青年对这些技能的利用,可能会增强T1DM青年的血糖控制。



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