首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ornithology >Die „Stresemannsche Revolution“ in der Ornithologie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts

Die „Stresemannsche Revolution“ in der Ornithologie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts


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Erwin Stresemann (1889–1972), Secretary General, President and Honorary President of the Society of German Ornithologists for 50 years, was one of the outstanding ornithologists of the 20th century. During the 1920s and 1930s, he initiated the global transformation of the traditional ornithology, which had been primarily systematic and faunistic in scope, into a branch of modern biological science, a ‘New Avian Biology’, and influenced a large circle of contemporaries (the ‘Stresemann Revolution’). He forged links, directly or indirectly, between ornithology and genetics, functional morphology, physiology and ethology, when he published his seminal volume ‘Aves’ (1927–1934) in the German ‘Handbook of Zoology’, and instigated the theses of a large number of PhD students.
机译:Erwin Stresemann(1889–1972),德国鸟类学家学会秘书长,主席兼名誉主席长达50年,是20世纪杰出的鸟类学家之一。在1920年代和1930年代,他发起了传统鸟类学的全球转型,将传统鸟类学的范围主要是系统性的和动物主义的,转变为现代生物科学的一个分支,即“新禽类生物学”,并影响了许多同时代人( “斯特雷斯曼革命”)。当他在德国的《动物学手册》中发表他的开创性著作《 Aves》(1927年至1934年)并煽动了大型动物学的论文时,他在鸟类学和遗传学,功能形态学,生理学和人类学之间建立了直接或间接的联系。博士生人数。



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