首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ornithology >Nightingales in space: song and extra-territorial forays of radio tagged song birds

Nightingales in space: song and extra-territorial forays of radio tagged song birds


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Most temperate zone passerines defend territories during the breeding season. Commonly the size of these territories is estimated by plotting the singing locations of the males. However, an individual's activities need not be restricted to the area used for singing. So far, only little quantitative information has been available to determine how the singing territory relates to the activity range of male songbirds. Here, we present a study in which we used radio-tracking techniques to collect quantitative data on the spatial behaviour of 11 male territorial Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). The results show that the singing territories made up only about 50% of the activity ranges. Nevertheless, males spent over 90% of the time within the singing territory. Singing territories almost never overlapped but activity ranges overlapped in all cases with the activity range of at least one neighbour. Males intruded into neighbouring territories throughout the season but the longest excursions were made before and during the female fertile period. The time spent for forays correlated significantly with song rate and territories of males with higher song rates in turn were less frequently the object of forays by other males. Song rate can be indicative of male quality, so that our findings strongly suggest that foray behaviour is related to male quality in nightingales.
机译:在繁殖季节,大多数温带雀形目人保卫领土。通常,这些区域的大小是通过绘制雄性唱歌位置来估计的。但是,个人的活动不必局限于唱歌的区域。到目前为止,只有很少的定量信息可用来确定唱歌区域与雄性鸣禽活动范围的关系。在这里,我们提出一项研究,其中我们使用无线电跟踪技术来收集有关11个男性领土夜莺(Luscinia megarhynchos)的空间行为的定量数据。结果表明,唱歌地区仅占活动范围的50%。然而,男性在歌唱领域花费了超过90%的时间。在所有情况下,唱歌领土几乎从未重叠,但活动范围重叠,且活动范围至少有一个邻居。在整个季节中,雄性都侵入邻近地区,但最长的旅行发生在雌性受精期之前和期间。进行打针所花费的时间与歌曲速率显着相关,而歌曲速率较高的男性所占领土反过来则很少被其他男性所打。歌曲速率可以指示男性素质,因此我们的发现强烈表明,夜莺的进食行为与男性素质有关。



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