首页> 外文期刊>Journal of organizational behavior >Let's get this meeting started: Meeting lateness and actual meeting outcomes

Let's get this meeting started: Meeting lateness and actual meeting outcomes


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Meeting lateness is pervasive and potentially highly consequential for individuals, groups, and organizations. In Study 1, we first examined base rates of lateness to meetings in an employee sample and found that meeting lateness is negatively related to both meeting satisfaction and effectiveness. We then conducted 2 lab studies to better understand the nature of this negative relationship between meeting lateness and meeting outcomes. In Study 2, we manipulated meeting lateness using a confederate and showed that participants' anticipated meeting satisfaction and effectiveness were significantly lower when meetings started late. In Study 3, participants holding actual group meetings were randomly and blindly assigned to either a 10min late, 5min late, or a control condition (n=16 groups in each condition). We found significant differences concerning participants' perceived meeting satisfaction and meeting effectiveness, as well as objective group performance outcomes (number, quality, and feasibility of ideas produced in the meeting). We also identified differences in negative socioemotional group interaction behaviors depending on meeting lateness. In concert, our findings establish meeting lateness as an important organizational phenomenon and provide important conceptual and empirical implications for meeting research and practice.
机译:会议迟到无处不在,对于个人,团体和组织而言,后果很严重。在研究1中,我们首先在员工样本中检查了会议迟到的基本比率,发现会议迟到与满足满意度和效率均呈负相关。然后,我们进行了2个实验室研究,以更好地了解满足迟到和满足结果之间这种负面关系的性质。在研究2中,我们使用同盟来操纵会议迟到时间,结果表明,当会议迟到时,参与者对会议的期望满意度和有效性显着降低。在研究3中,将参加实际小组会议的参与者随机且盲目地分配为迟到10分钟,迟到5分钟或对照条件(每种条件n = 16组)。我们发现与会人员对会议的满意度和会议效果以及目标小组的绩效结果(会议中提出的想法的数量,质量和可行性)之间存在重大差异。我们还确定了消极的社会情感团体互动行为的差异,这取决于会议的迟到情况。一致地,我们的发现将会议迟到确定为重要的组织现象,并为满足研究和实践提供了重要的概念和经验意义。



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