首页> 外文期刊>Journal of multicultural discourses >REVIEW ARTICLE Asian television dramas and Asian theories of communication

REVIEW ARTICLE Asian television dramas and Asian theories of communication


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Television dramas have become dominant forms of mass entertainment in most regions of the world. They are a vital part of the offering of almost all national television services. The way television drama has evolved in Asian countries during the last three decades or so presents us with a fascinating picture of the complex intersections of modernity, culture, globalism, localism, consumerism, and tradi-tional aesthetics. When we discuss television dramas worldwide, the drama that inevitably springs to mind is the American soap opera Dallas. In the early 1980s, it achieved an unprecedented state of international visibility generating local attempts at emulation. Dallas dealt with the lives and loves, predicaments and aspirations, of a very wealthy and influential oil family in Texas. The evil personality in the television drama, J.R. Ewing became a character that earned everyone's uncontrollable hatred. This television drama was seen in many Asian countries, and modern research has shown that audiences interpreted it, attributed meaning to it, in diverse ways in keeping with their culture and guided by these cultural norms. And Asian television dramatists were inspired by Dallas to come up with their own products bearing the imprint of their respective cultures.
机译:电视剧已成为世界上大多数地区大众娱乐的主要形式。它们是几乎所有国家电视服务提供中至关重要的部分。在过去三十年左右的时间里,电视剧在亚洲国家的发展方式向我们展示了现代性,文化,全球化,地方主义,消费主义和传统美学之间复杂交汇的迷人景象。当我们讨论世界各地的电视剧时,不可避免地想到的是美国肥皂剧达拉斯。在1980年代初期,它达到了国际知名度的空前状态,引发了当地的模仿尝试。达拉斯处理了得克萨斯州一个非常富有和有影响力的石油家庭的生活和爱情,困境和愿望。电视剧中的邪恶人物尤因·尤因(J.R. Ewing)成为每个人都无法控制的仇恨角色。这部电视剧在许多亚洲国家都有放映,现代研究表明,观众以符合其文化的各种方式并在这些文化规范的指导下对其进行解释,赋予其意义。亚洲电视剧作家受到达拉斯的启发,提出了带有各自文化烙印的自己的产品。



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