首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Food >Pomegranate Juice and Extracts Provide Similar Levels of Plasma and Urinary Ellagitannin Metabolites in Human Subjects

Pomegranate Juice and Extracts Provide Similar Levels of Plasma and Urinary Ellagitannin Metabolites in Human Subjects


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Pomegranate juice (PJ), a rich source of polyphenols including ellagitannins, has attracted much attention due to its reported health benefits. This has resulted in the consumption of liquid and powder pomegranate extracts as alternatives to PJ. Therefore establishing the bioavailability of polyphenols from these extract preparations is necessary. Sixteen healthy volunteers sequentially consumed, with a 1-week washout period between treatments, PJ (8 ounces, Wonderful fruit variety), a pomegranate polyphenol liquid extract (POMxl, 8 ounces), and a pomegranate polyphenol powder extract (POMxp, 1,000 mg). The three interventions provided 857, 776, and 755 mg of polyphenols as gallic acid equivalents, respectively. Plasma bioavailability, judged based on ellagic acid levels over a 6-hour period, did not show statistical differences in area under the curve for the three interventions: 0.14 ± 0.05, 0.11 ± 0.03, and 0.11 ± 0.04 μmol · hour/L for PJ, POMxl, and POMxp, respectively. The time of maximum concentration was delayed for POMxp (2.58 ± 0.42 hours) compared to PJ (0.65 ± 0.23 hours) and POMxl (0.94 ± 0.06 hours). Urolithin-A glucuronide, a urinary metabolite of ellagic acid, was not significantly different with the three interventions, reaching levels of approximately 1,000 ng/mL. This study demonstrates that ellagitannin metabolites, delivered from pomegranate fruits, as PJ, POMxl, and POMxp, reach equivalent levels with a delay in time of maximum concentration of POMxp compared to PJ and POMxl.
机译:石榴汁(PJ)是包括鞣花单宁的多酚的丰富来源,由于其具有健康益处,因此备受关注。这导致消耗液体和粉末状石榴提取物来替代PJ。因此,从这些提取物制剂中建立多酚的生物利用度是必要的。 16名健康志愿者依次食用,每次治疗之间有1周的清除期,其中包括PJ(8盎司,奇妙的水果品种),石榴多酚液体提取物(POMxl,8盎司)和石榴多酚粉末提取物(POMxp,1,000 mg) 。这三种干预措施分别提供了857、776和755 mg多酚作为没食子酸当量。根据六小时内的鞣花酸水平判断的血浆生物利用度,在三种干预下曲线下面积没有显示统计学差异:PJ为0.14±0.05、0.11±0.03和0.11±0.04μmol·hour / L ,POMxl和POMxp。与PJ(0.65±0.23小时)和POMxl(0.94±0.06小时)相比,POMxp(2.58±0.42小时)的最大浓缩时间延迟了。鞣花酸的尿代谢产物Urolithin-A葡糖醛酸在三种干预中均无显着差异,达到约1,000 ng / mL。这项研究表明,石榴果实中的鞣花单宁代谢产物,如PJ,POMxl和POMxp,与PJ和POMxl相比,达到等价的水平时会延迟POMxp的最大浓度。



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