首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Systems >Effects of a Fix-Payment Method per Outpatient on the Procedures, in University Hospitals, Turkey

Effects of a Fix-Payment Method per Outpatient on the Procedures, in University Hospitals, Turkey


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The effects of payment methods on clinical practice are not well understood, in Turkey. In the middle of 2006, a fix-payment method for hospitals was implemented, and 5 months later was cancelled. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of the payment method on the clinical practice in the University hospitals. The data in this study was retrospectively obtained from six university hospital records. Main outcome measure is procedure number per outpatient. The overall mean procedure number per outpatient was found as 12.2. A significant decrease was observed in the mean procedure number during the period of fix-payment method (p < 0.05). While the mean number remained at the level of 13.4 ± 6.3 during the other months of the year (p < 0.05), it came down to the level of 10.3 ± 4.8 during the period of fix-payment method. A decrease of 23% in procedures was calculated during the new method. It was concluded that payment model for hospitals was an effective factor on clinical practice.
机译:在土耳其,付款方式对临床实践的影响尚不十分清楚。 2006年中期,医院采用了固定付款方式,并于5个月后取消了这种方式。这项研究的目的是评估付款方式对大学医院临床实践的影响。该研究的数据回顾性地从六所大学医院的记录中获得。主要结局指标是每个门诊病人的手术次数。平均每个门诊病人的平均程序数量为12.2。在定额付款方式期间,平均诊疗次数明显减少(p <0.05)。在一年中的其他月份中,平均数保持在13.4±6.3的水平上(p <0.05),而在固定付款方式期间,下降到了10.3±4.8的水平。在新方法中,程序减少了23%。结论是医院的收费模式是影响临床实践的有效因素。



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