
Benzenoid links


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In this paper, we study new configurations of benzenoid hydrocarbons, called benzenoid links. Roughly speaking, a primitive corofusene is a closed narrow hexagonal ribbon with out-of-plane curvature 0. A primitive corofusene or the union of disjoint primitive corofusenes in is called a benzenoid link. In this paper, we determine the minimum number of hexagons needed for a nontrivial benzenoid link in different senses. We also determine the structures of the smallest and the second smallest nontrivial benzenoid links of different types and their numbers of Kekule structures. We list all the benzenoid Hopf links of type III with 22–25 hexagons by their canonical codes in the appendix. Keywords Corofusenes - Benzenoid links - Hexagons - Benzenoid knots - Numbers of Kekule structures Weiling Yang was supported in part by NSFC Grant 10501038. Fuji Zhang was supported in part by NSFC Grant 10671162. Douglas J. Klein was supported by the Welch Foundation of Houston, Texas, through grant BD-0894.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了苯环烃的新构型,称为苯环链。粗略地讲,原始的Corofusene是具有平面外曲率0的闭合的狭窄六边形带。原始的Corofusene或其中不相交的原始Corofusenes的并集被称为“ Benzenoid链接”。在本文中,我们确定了不同意义上非平凡的本泽环连接所需的最小六边形数量。我们还确定了不同类型的最小和第二最小非平凡的本征链的结构及其Kekule结构的数量。我们通过附录中的规范代码列出了所有类型为III的22–25六角形的Benf类Hopf连杆。关键字Corofusenes-Benzenoid链接-六角形-Benzenoid结数-Kekule结构的数目杨维玲得到了NSFC Grant 10501038的部分支持。FujiZhang得到了NSFC Grant 10671162的部分支持。Douglas J. Klein得到了休斯敦韦尔奇基金会的支持,得克萨斯州,通过拨款BD-0894。



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