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Modelling of carrot tissue as a fluid-filled foam


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Experimental values of the stiffness of carrot tissue were compared with the predictions from models of fluid-filled closed cell foams. Compared to an experimental value of 7 MPa for fresh carrot, predictions gave moduli in the range 2 to 33 MPa based on a compressible fluid, an isotonic state turgor pressure of 0.8 MPa, a cell wall modulus of 100 MPa and cell lengths from 54 to 3 times the wall thickness. The modulus was predicted to increase linearly with turgor pressure in agreement with experiment for turgor pressures up to about 1 MPa, whereafter the experimental modulus increased more sharply, reaching a value of 14 MPa at a turgor pressure of 2.1 MPa, closer to the predicted rate of increase in an earlier shell model. Predictions based on an incompressible fluid gave initial and equilibrium moduli of 14 and 2 MPa, respectively, in agreement with the experimental values at high and low levels of turgor, again assuming a cell wall modulus of 100 MPa but requiring small cells of length ratio less than three times their wall thickness.
机译:将胡萝卜组织刚度的实验值与充液闭孔泡沫模型的预测值进行了比较。与新鲜胡萝卜的7 MPa的实验值相比,基于可压缩流体,等渗态膨胀压力为0.8 MPa,细胞壁模量为100 MPa和细胞长度为54至60 MPa的预测,模量范围为2至33 MPa。壁厚的3倍。对于高达1 MPa的压力,预计模量会随着压力的增加而线性增加,此后实验模量会急剧增加,在2.1 MPa的压力下达到14 MPa的值,接近于预期的速率早期的shell模型的增加。基于不可压缩流体的预测分别给出了14和2 MPa的初始模量和平衡模量,与在高和低膨胀水平下的实验值相符,再次假设孔壁模量为100 MPa,但要求长度比较小的小孔是壁厚的三倍



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