首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance >An Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Vinyl Ester Composites Cured under Microwave Conditions

An Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Vinyl Ester Composites Cured under Microwave Conditions


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The shrinkage of vinyl ester particulate composites has been reduced by curing the resins under microwave conditions. The reduction in the shrinkage of the resins by microwaves will enable the manufacture of large vinyl ester composite items possible (H.S. Ku, G. Van Erp, J.A.R. Ball, and S. Ayers, Shrinkage Reduction of Thermoset Fibre Composites during Hardening using Microwaves Irradiation for Curing, Proceedings, Second World Engineering Congress, Kuching, Malaysia, 2002a, 22-25 July, p 177-182; H.S. Ku, Risks Involved in Curing Vinyl Ester Resins Using Microwaves Irradiation. J. Mater. Synth. Proces. 2002b, 10(2), p 97-106; S.H. Ku, Curing Vinyl Ester Particle Reinforced Composites Using Microwaves. J. Comp. Mater., (2003a), 37(22), p 2027-2042; S.H. Ku and E. Siores, Shrinkage Reduction of Thermoset Matrix Particle Reinforced Composites During Hardening Using Microwaves Irradiation, Trans. Hong Kong Inst. Eng., 2004, 11(3), p 29-34). In tensile tests, the yield strengths of samples cured under microwave conditions obtained are within 5% of those obtained by ambient curing; it is also found that with 180 W microwave power, the tensile strengths obtained for all duration of exposure to microwaves are also within the 5% of those obtained by ambient curing. While, with 360 W microwave power, the tensile strengths obtained for all duration of exposure to microwaves are 5% higher than those obtained by ambient curing. Whereas, with 540 W microwave power, the tensile strengths obtained for most samples are 5% below those obtained by ambient curing (H. Ku, V.C. Puttgunta, and M. Trada, Young’s Modulus of Vinyl Ester Composites Cured by Microwave Irradiation: Preliminary Results, J. Electromagnet. Waves Appl., 2007, 20(14), p. 1911-1924). This project, using 33% by weight fly ash reinforced vinyl ester composite [VE/FLYSH (33%)], is to further investigate the difference in fracture toughness between microwave cured vinyl ester particulate composites and those cured under ambient conditions. Higher power microwaves, 540 and 720 W with shorter duration of exposure are used to cure the composites. Short-bar method of fracture toughness measurement was used to perform the tests. Plastic (PVC) re-usable molds were designed and manufactured for producing the test samples. The results show that the fracture toughness of specimens cured by microwave conditions are generally higher than those cured under ambient conditions, provided the power level and duration of microwave irradiation are properly and optimally selected.
机译:通过在微波条件下固化树脂,可以减少乙烯基酯颗粒复合材料的收缩。通过微波减少树脂的收缩率将使制造大型乙烯基酯复合材料成为可能(HS Ku,G。Van Erp,JAR Ball和S.Ayers,通过微波辐照硬化降低热固性纤维复合材料的收缩率)。固化,会议记录,第二届世界工程大会,马来西亚古晋,2002a,7月22日至25日,第177-182页; Hs Ku,使用微波辐照固化乙烯基酯树脂的风险,J。Mater。Synth。Proces。2002b,10 (2),第97-106页; SH Ku,《使用微波固化乙烯基酯颗粒增强的复合材料》,J。Comp。Mater。,(2003a),37(22),第2027-2042页; SH Ku和E.Siores,收缩率微波辐射在硬化过程中减少热固性基体颗粒增强复合材料,Trans。Hong Kong Inst。Eng。,2004,11(3),p 29-34)。在拉伸试验中,在微波条件下固化的样品的屈服强度为环境固化所获得样品的5%以内;还发现在微波功率为180 W的情况下,在所有暴露于微波的持续时间内所获得的拉伸强度也在环境固化所获得的拉伸强度的5%之内。而在使用360 W微波功率的情况下,在所有暴露于微波的持续时间内获得的拉伸强度比通过环境固化获得的拉伸强度高5%。微波功率为540 W时,大多数样品的拉伸强度比环境固化的拉伸强度低5%(H。Ku,VC Puttgunta和M. Trada,通过微波辐照固化的乙烯基酯复合材料的杨氏模量:初步结果) ,J.Electromagnet.Waves Appl。,2007,20(14),p.1911-1924)。该项目使用重量百分比为33%的粉煤灰增强乙烯基酯复合材料[VE / FLYSH(33%)],目的是进一步研究微波固化乙烯基酯颗粒复合材料与在环境条件下固化的复合材料之间的断裂韧性差异。使用功率较高的540 W和720 W微波,以及较短的暴露时间来固化复合材料。使用短杆断裂韧性测量法进行测试。设计并制造了可重复使用的塑料(PVC)模具,以生产测试样品。结果表明,只要适当,最佳地选择微波辐射的功率水平和持续时间,通过微波条件固化的试样的断裂韧性通常要高于在环境条件下固化的试样的断裂韧性。



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