首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mass Media Ethics >'Killing' the True Story of First Nations: The Ethics of Constructing a Culture Apart

'Killing' the True Story of First Nations: The Ethics of Constructing a Culture Apart


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Cases taken from the coverage of Canadian/Ipperwash and American/Makah disputes over tribal land and sea claims point up that subtle but entrenched racist assumptions, conclusions, and myths of native culture persist despite attempts by newsrooms to be more culturally sensitive. Traditional journalism standards of practice and ethical approaches must be expanded to consider more of the subtleties of media's problematic representations of aboriginal peoples—as a culture, a culture apart, and a cultural construct. The ethics of continental philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, the ritual model of communication, and frameworks and methodologies used by feminist and cultural studies scholars are applied to show that journalism's current standards, which are rooted in Enlightenment ethics and embrace a transmission view of communication, are inadequate to the challenge of reporting on diversity in an ethnically complex world.
机译:从加拿大/ Ipperwash以及美国/ Makah关于部落陆地和海洋主张的争端中获取的案例表明,尽管新闻编辑室试图提高对文化的敏感性,但仍然存在着微妙但根深蒂固的种族主义假设,结论和神话。必须扩大传统新闻业的实践标准和道德方法,以考虑媒体对原住民的有问题的表示形式的更多微妙之处-作为一种文化,一种文化和一种文化构造。大陆哲学家伊曼纽尔·列维纳斯(Emmanuel Levinas)的道德规范,沟通的礼节模式以及女权主义和文化研究学者所使用的框架和方法论都被用来表明,新闻学当前的根植于启蒙伦理学并接受传播传播观的标准是不够的。应对在一个种族复杂的世界中报道多样性的挑战。



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