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The transformation of the world: a global history of the nineteenth century


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This is big history. The book is not only very long (nearly 900 densely packed pages of text are followed by a further 194 pages of references and bibliography, and then a 48-page index), but its scope is enormous. The chronological sweep is that of an extended nineteenth century, spanning from the 1770s to the 1920s. The geographical range is truly global, with few corners of the world escaping some aspect of attention, although China, Osterhammel's scholarly specialism, does feature prominently. Reading it is, quite frankly, a rather daunting prospect and this is something the author recognises at the end of the introduction: 'Once readers have entered the book, they should not worry: they will easily find an emergency exit' ((ⅹⅹⅱ)).
机译:这是大历史。这本书不仅篇幅非常长(将近900页密集的文本紧随其后的是194页参考书目和参考书目,然后是48页的索引),但它的范围是巨大的。时间顺序扫描是从1770年代到1920年代的19世纪的延伸。地理范围确实是全球性的,尽管Osterhammel的学术专长中国确实具有突出的特征,但世界上几乎没有哪个角落避开了某些方面的关注。坦率地说,阅读它是一个令人生畏的前景,这是作者在引言结尾处意识到的:“一旦读者进入书中,他们就不必担心:他们很容易找到紧急出口”((() )。



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