首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managerial psychology >Organizational powerlessness, dehumanization, and gendered effects of procedural justice

Organizational powerlessness, dehumanization, and gendered effects of procedural justice


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Purposen – The purpose of this paper is to test whether procedural justice effects on organizational powerlessness and dehumanization are stronger for women than men and, consequently, mediated effects on turnover intention are conditional upon gender. nDesign/methodology/approachn – The authors recruited to a two-wave survey of workplace attitudes with flyers distributed at downtown subway exits. The authors controlled for and tested alternative models for distributive and interpersonal justice. nFindingsn – Gender moderated procedural justice effects on both mediators. The moderated mediation model held only for organizational dehumanization, even controlling for powerlessness. Models for distributive and interpersonal justice were not significant. nResearch limitations/implicationsn – The authors used cross-sectional, self-report data but separated predictor and criterion variables in two surveys to counteract common method bias. Nevertheless, causal inferences are limited. nPractical implicationsn – To retain personnel, managers, and organizations should be aware of the different needs of their employees and corresponding effects of justice. Likewise, women should be diligent in assessing justice and their response to being treated fairly. nSocial implicationsn – The model is not predicated on an innate quality of gender but on endemic inequities in society. Procedural justice is associated with basic human needs, and effects that are conditional on gender may be socially constructed rather than based in supposed inherent gender differences. nOriginality/valuen – Research and lay theories have emphasized that women value procedural justice because of inherently stronger relational needs. The findings suggest gendered effects are due to broader social conditions affecting women’s instrumental and existential needs.
机译:目的–本文的目的是检验女性对组织无能为力和非人性化的程序正义影响是否比男性强,因此,对离职意图的中介影响是否以性别为条件。 nDesign /方法论/方法–作者招募了两波关于工作场所态度的调查,并分发了市区地铁出口处的传单。作者控制并测试了分配正义和人际正义的替代模型。 nFindingsn –性别对双方调解人的程序正义影响。主持人调解模型仅适用于组织非人性化,甚至控制无权。分配和人际正义的模式并不重要。 n研究的局限性/含义n作者使用横断面的自我报告数据,但在两次调查中分离了预测变量和标准变量,以抵消常见方法的偏倚。但是,因果推论是有限的。 n实践意义n –要留住人员,经理和组织应了解员工的不同需求以及相应的司法效果。同样,妇女应勤于评估正义及其对得到公正对待的反应。 n社会意义n –该模型不是基于先天的性别特征,而是基于社会中的地方性不平等现象。程序正义与人类的基本需求有关,并且可以在社会上构建以性别为条件的影响,而不是基于假定的固有性别差异。非原创性/价值感–研究和非专业理论强调,由于固有的更强的关系需求,妇女重视程序正义。研究结果表明,性别影响是由于更广泛的社会条件影响了女性的身体和生存需求。



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