首页> 外文期刊>Journal of management education >How Do Quality of Teaching, Assessment, and Feedback Drive Undergraduate Course Satisfaction in U.K. Business Schools? A Comparative Analysis With Nonbusiness School Courses Using the U.K. National Student Survey

How Do Quality of Teaching, Assessment, and Feedback Drive Undergraduate Course Satisfaction in U.K. Business Schools? A Comparative Analysis With Nonbusiness School Courses Using the U.K. National Student Survey


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How does quality of teaching, assessment, and feedback influence satisfaction with overall course quality for students taking business school (BS) undergraduate courses in the United Kingdom? Are these teaching-related determinants of satisfaction in BS courses different to those in nonbusiness school (NBS) courses? These questions currently figure prominently in U.K. higher education owing to the introduction of a “Teaching Excellence Framework,” linking student fee increases to levels of reported student satisfaction. The elevation of student satisfaction as a determinant of higher education delivery raises important questions about the possible longer term consequences for teaching practices. To explore these, we test three sets of hypotheses relating to how teaching, assessment, and feedback quality affects satisfaction in the BS context, as well as comparative differences (i.e., BS vs. NBS students). We draw from over 1 million responses recorded in the U.K.’s National Student Survey. We find questions related to perceived teaching quality are important satisfaction drivers for BS students. In terms of differences with NBS students, we find intellectual stimulation appears of lesser importance to BS students, whereas fair assessments are of greater importance. BS students, we argue, exhibit a stronger orientation toward “instrumental” learning. We consider policy implications.
机译:教学,评估和反馈的质量如何影响英国商学院(BS)本科课程的学生对整体课程质量的满意度? BS课程中与教学相关的满意度决定因素是否与非商学院(NBS)课程中的教学决定满意度不同?目前,由于引入了“卓越教学框架”,这些问题在英国高等教育中尤为突出,该框架将学生学费的增加与所报告的学生满意度相联系。学生满意度的提高决定了高等教育的交付,这引发了有关教学实践可能产生的长期后果的重要问题。为了探索这些问题,我们测试了三组假设,这些假设与教学,评估和反馈质量如何影响BS环境中的满意度以及比较差异(即BS与NBS学生)有关。我们从英国全国学生调查中记录的超过100万份答复中汲取了经验。我们发现与感知教学质量有关的问题是理科学生的重要满意度驱动因素。从与NBS学生的差异来看,我们发现智力刺激对BS学生的重要性降低,而公正的评估则更为重要。我们认为,理学学士学位学生对“工具性”学习表现出更强的取向。我们考虑政策影响。



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