首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Management Development >Developing globally responsible leaders in business schools: A vision and transformational practice for the journey ahead

Developing globally responsible leaders in business schools: A vision and transformational practice for the journey ahead


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Purpose - It is 50 years since the Gordon/Howell and Pierson reports substantially influenced and shaped management education. "Vision 50 + 20" offers an alternative future in management education for the next 20 years. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the suggested new purpose of business schools as role models in providing responsible leadership for a sustainable world. The article proposes a model of implementation of the vision in the domain of teaching and learning, with concrete best practice examples collected from around the world. The evolution of teaching and learning in business education is briefly reviewed in light of newly proposed "collaborator" method, hopefully launching a debate and further research in this important domain. Design/methodology/approach - The 50 + 20 vision of management education for the world resulted from an 18-month collective creative visioning and back-casting process, looking into the future and based on explicitly normative assumptions about the need to change business education. The vision was thus primarily developed deductively from a vision of the future, rather than inductively from existing literature and theory. The scholarly assessments of business schools and business school education were used as a starting point for a normative approach, but cannot explain the vision which spans a broad area of topics and fields both within management and beyond. The author complements the vision with examples from around the world to illustrate the emergence of this vision and suggests a model for considering the implementation of vision 50 + 20. Findings - Business schools need to fundamentally transform their purpose to serve society by providing responsible leadership for a sustainable world, embracing three relevant roles and becoming themselves a role model and a showcase for transformation. Practical implications - The paper summarizes the result of the global co-creative visioning process of project 50 + 20 offering an alternative vision of management education for the world. More importantly, the paper also suggests a model on how to implement the vision in the domain of teaching and learning by providing concrete applications and leading examples from around the world. As such, it provides a visionary guide for any business and management scholar interested in engaging the future of management education. Originality/value - The paper summarizes the 50 + 20 vision and introduces a practical perspective for implementing a meaningful new approach to teaching and learning.
机译:目的-戈登/霍厄尔和皮尔森报告对管理教育产生了重大影响并形成了50年。 “愿景50 + 20”为未来20年的管理教育提供了另一种未来。本文的目的是提供对商学院建议的新目的的洞察力,作为商学院在为可持续发展的世界提供负责任领导方面的榜样。本文提出了一种在教学领域实现愿景的模型,并从世界各地收集了具体的最佳实践示例。鉴于新提出的“合作者”方法,简要回顾了商业教育中教与学的发展,希望在这一重要领域展开辩论和进一步研究。设计/方法论/方法-全球管理教育的50 + 20构想来自18个月的集体创意构想和后推过程,展望未来,并基于有关改变商业教育的明确规范性假设。因此,该愿景主要是从对未来的愿景中演绎而来,而不是从现有的文学和理论中进行演绎而来。商学院和商学院教育的学术评估被用作规范方法的起点,但无法解释涵盖管理内外的广泛主题和领域的愿景。作者通过来自世界各地的示例对愿景进行了补充,以说明该愿景的出现,并提出了一个考虑实施愿景50 + 20的模型。调查结果-商学院需要通过提供负责任的领导才能从根本上改变其服务社会的目的。一个可持续发展的世界,承担着三个相关角色,并成为榜样和变革的榜样。实际意义-本文总结了项目50 + 20的全球共同创造愿景过程的结果,为世界提供了一种替代性的管理教育愿景。更重要的是,本文还提出了一个模型,通过提供具体的应用程序和来自世界各地的领先示例,在教学领域实现愿景。因此,它为有兴趣参与未来管理教育的任何商业和管理学者提供了有远见的指导。原创性/价值-本文总结了50 + 20的愿景,并介绍了用于实施有意义的新教学方法的实践观点。



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