首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Latin American Studies >Playing across the Andes: Sports Media and Populism in Argentina and Chile

Playing across the Andes: Sports Media and Populism in Argentina and Chile


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This article examines the central role of sports media in the discussions about national sports programmes at the peak of Latin American populism, particularly during the governments of Juan Peron in Argentina (1946-55) and Carlos Ibanez in Chile (1952-8). By exploring sports publications such as the Argentine magazines Mundo Deportivo and El Grafico and the Chilean weekly Estadio, I argue that sports media staged stories and images that were both inspired by, and critical of, the larger populist projects in Argentina and Chile. Photographers and cartoonists, often in collaboration with sports-writers, produced and crafted populist ideas about class collaboration, the inclusion of children in the state project and women's participation in politics.
机译:本文探讨了体育媒体在拉丁美洲民粹主义高峰期有关国家体育计划的讨论中的核心作用,特别是在阿根廷的胡安·佩隆(1946-55)和智利的卡洛斯·伊巴内兹(1952-8)执政期间。通过研究体育出版物,例如阿根廷杂志Mundo Deportivo和El Grafico以及智利的每周Estadio,我认为体育媒体上演的故事和图像既受到阿根廷和智利较大的民粹主义项目的启发,也受到批评。摄影师和漫画家通常与体育作家合作,创作和制作关于阶级合作,将儿童纳入国家项目以及妇女参政的民粹思想。



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