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The PASS panel survey after six waves


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The aim of the Panel Study “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS) is to provide a database which allows analysing the dynamics of welfare benefits receipt after the introduction of the Unemployment Benefits II in Germany in 2005. This entails the take up and ending of benefits receipt as well as the social situation of households and individuals receiving benefits, their subjective ways of coping with the situation and the contact to institutions providing the basic income support. PASS is set up as a household panel study with a sample of approx. 10,000 households interviewed in each wave. In addition to household interviews with the heads of the households about 15,000 interviews with individual household members aged 15 and older are carried out. This article provides an overview of the first six waves of PASS. It focuses on the survey’s main goals, the questionnaire, the sampling and study design, the number of interviews, data access and methodological research on PASS. The article closes by describing the outlook for future developments.
机译:小组研究“劳动力市场和社会保障”(PASS)的目的是提供一个数据库,该数据库可用于分析2005年德国引入失业福利II后福利收益的接收动态。福利的接受情况,接受福利的家庭和个人的社会状况,他们应对情况的主观方式以及与提供基本收入支持的机构的联系。 PASS被设置为家庭样本研究,样本约为。每波有10,000户家庭接受了采访。除了与户主进行家庭访问外,还对15岁及15岁以上的家庭成员进行了约15,000次访问。本文概述了PASS的前六个浪潮。它着重于调查的主要目标,问卷,抽样和研究设计,访问次数,数据访问以及PASS的方法学研究。本文以描述未来发展前景作为结尾。



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