首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling >Investigative Interviewing of Child Sex Offender Suspects: Strategies to Assist the Application of a Narrative Framework

Investigative Interviewing of Child Sex Offender Suspects: Strategies to Assist the Application of a Narrative Framework


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Obtaining a narrative account from a suspect during an investigative interview isnrecommended in the literature as best practice. However, research shows thatninterviewers have difficulty adhering to this recommendation. This paper aims to providenpolice officers who interview sex offender suspects with suggestions that may assist themnin the application of a narrative framework. Our approach involved individual in‐depthninterviews with experts (N = 16: police trainers, detectives, expert witnesses, defencenbarristers, and prosecutors) who were leaders in their relative fields, particularly innrelation to interviews with sex offender suspects. Specifically, the experts were asked tontalk about the process of interviewing and what constitutes a good interview with a sexnoffender suspect. Several strategies that may assist officers in adhering to a narrativenframework were extracted through qualitative analysis of the data. These strategies arendescribed under the following headings: letting the suspects answer the allegations put tonthem, transferring the locus of control to the suspect, adopting strategies to overcomenemotional barriers to reporting, and focusing on the relationship between the suspect andnthe victim. Directions for future research and training intervention are also discussed.
机译:建议在文献调查中从犯罪嫌疑人那里获取叙述性陈述作为最佳做法。但是,研究表明,采访者很难坚持这一建议。本文的目的是为面试性犯罪嫌疑人的警察提供建议,以帮助他们应用叙事框架。我们的方法包括与相对领域的领导者进行专家(N = 16:警察培训员,侦探,专家证人,辩护律师和检察官)进行深入访谈,尤其是与性犯罪嫌疑人的采访无关。具体来说,专家被问到有关访谈的过程以及对性犯罪嫌疑人进行良好访谈的内容。通过对数据进行定性分析,提取了几种可能有助于官员坚持叙事框架的策略。这些策略未在以下标题下进行描述:让犯罪嫌疑人回答被置于混乱状态的指控,将控制源转移给犯罪嫌疑人,采取策略来克服举报的情感障碍,并着重于犯罪嫌疑人与受害人之间的关系。还讨论了未来研究和培训干预的方向。



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