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Self-fulfilling debt crises, fiscal policy and investment


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This paper studies the circular relationship between sovereign credit risk, government fiscal and debt policy, and output. I consider a sovereign default model with fiscal policy and private capital accumulation. I show that, when fiscal policy responds to borrowing conditions in the sovereign debt market, multiple equilibria exist where the expectations of lenders are self-fulfilling. In the bad equilibrium, pessimistic beliefs make sovereign debt costly. The government substitutes borrowing with taxation, which depresses private investment and future output, increases default probabilities and verifies lenders' beliefs. This result is reminiscent of the European debt crisis of 2010-12: while recessionary, fiscal austerity may be the government best response to excessive borrowing costs during a confidence crisis. The extent of this type of crises can be reduced by the intervention of an external official lender committing to provide liquidity, or by policies aimed at sustaining private investment. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了主权信用风险,政府财政和债务政策和产出之间的循环关系。我认为具有财政政策和私人资本积累的主权违约模式。我展示,当财政政策响应主权债务市场的借贷条件时,存在多重均衡,贷方的期望是自我实现的。在均衡的衡量衡中,悲观信仰使主权债务成本高昂。政府替代借款,借出税收减少私人投资和未来产出,增加了违约概率并验证了贷方的信念。这一结果使欧洲债务危机联络:虽然经济衰退,财政紧缩可能是在信任危机中对过度借贷成本的最佳反应。这种类型的危机的程度可以通过外部官方贷方的干预来减少提供流动性,或通过旨在维持私人投资的政策。 (c)2021 elestvier b.v.保留所有权利。



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