首页> 外文期刊>Journal of intelligent material systems and structures >Experimental assessment of a linear actuator driven by magnetorheological clutches for automotive active suspensions

Experimental assessment of a linear actuator driven by magnetorheological clutches for automotive active suspensions


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The main functions of automotive suspensions are to improve passenger comfort as well as vehicle dynamic performance. Simultaneously satisfying these functions is not possible because they require opposing suspension adjustments. This fundamental design trade-off can be solved with an active suspension system providing real-time modifications of the suspension behavior and vehicle attitude corrections. However, current active suspension actuator technologies have yet to reach a wide-spread commercial adoption due to excessive costs and performance limitations. This paper presents a design study assessing the potential of magnetorheological clutch actuators for automotive active suspension applications. An experimentally validated dynamic model is used to derive meaningful design requirements. An actuator design is proposed and built using a motor to feed counter-rotating MR clutches to provide upward and downward forces. Experimental characterization shows that all intended design requirements are met, and that the actuator can output a peak force of ±5300 N, a peak linear speed of ±1.9 m/s and a blocked-output force bandwidth of 92 Hz. When compared to other relevant technologies, the MR approach simultaneously shows both better force density and speeds (bandwidth) while adding minimal costs and weight. Results from this experimental assessment suggest that MR slippage actuation is promising for automotive active suspensions.
机译:汽车悬架的主要功能是提高乘客舒适以及车辆动态性能。同时满足这些功能是不可能的,因为它们需要相反的悬架调整。这种基本设计权衡可以用积极的悬架系统来解决,提供悬架行为和车辆姿态校正的实时修改。然而,由于过高的成本和性能限制,目前的主动悬架执行器技术尚未达到广泛的商业采用。本文提出了一种设计研究,评估了用于汽车主动悬架应用的磁流变离合器致动器的潜力。实验验证的动态模型用于导出有意义的设计要求。使用电动机提出和构建致动器设计,以进给反向旋转MR离合器以提供向上和向下的力。实验表征表明,满足所有预期的设计要求,并且致动器可以输出±5300 n的峰值,峰值线性速度为±1.9 m / s,堵塞输出力带宽为92Hz。与其他相关技术相比,MR方法同时显示出更好的力密度和速度(带宽),同时增加了最小成本和重量。该实验评估的结果表明,滑动致动先生对汽车有效悬浮液有前途。



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