首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History >The Inspector General's Last Prize: The Chinese Native Customs Service, 1901-31

The Inspector General's Last Prize: The Chinese Native Customs Service, 1901-31


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The roles of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service (CMCS), particularly the role of the inspector general (IG) have most frequently been discussed in the context of Sino-foreign relations. The relationship between the CMCS and the Chinese Native Customs establishment has seldom been studied. It is worth noting how, after the Boxer Uprising, the CMCS, dominated by the British, successfully, and much more quietly, extended its power to the Chinese domestic arena through its assumption of control over the Native Customs Service. The thirty-year period during which the CMCS controlled the Native Customs before the latter was abolished in 1931 actually tells us a great deal about the nature of the CMCS and the limits it faced to the exercise of its power. This paper's case study of the Native Customs provides a wider opportunity to re-examine the structure of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service on the ground, in localities away from Shanghai and the more visible world of the treaty ports.
机译:在中外关系中,最经常讨论的是中国海事海关总署(CMCS)的角色,尤其是总检查长(IG)的角色。很少研究CMCS与中国原住民习俗之间的关系。值得一提的是,在义和团运动之后,由英国人统治的CMCS如何成功并更安静地通过承担对原住民海关服务的控制权,将其权力扩大到中国国内。 CMCS在其于1931年被废除之前控制土著风俗的三十年实际上告诉了我们很多有关CMCS的性质以及它在行使权力方面所面临的限制。本文对“原住民海关”的案例研究提供了一个更广阔的机会,可以在远离上海和更通俗易懂的条约港口世界的地方重新审视中国海事海关服务的结构。



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