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'Hostile Housing Environment' Claim Against PHA


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In a 7-0 decision handed down on July 8, the Ohio Supreme Court held that a landlord-in this instance the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority-may not be held liable for failing to take corrective action against a tenant whose racial harassment of another tenant created a hostile housing environment (Ohio Supreme Court Slip Opinion No. 2008-Ohio-3320). The case involved feuding neighbors in a housing authority development, but notably did not involve any allegation that the PHA's management or staff created the hostile environment through their own harassment of the tenant. The plaintiff in the case, Ohio Civil Rights Commission, had argued that the court should adopt a standard identical to that used in workplace harassment cases, a contention that the court explicitly rejected, noting that the principles of agency on which those cases are founded do not exist in the case of landlord and tenants. For more details, see www.nahro.org/members/monitor/2008/715.cfm#d.
机译:在7月8日作出的7-0裁决中,俄亥俄州最高法院裁定,房东-在这种情况下为Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority-不对未因种族骚扰另一名租户而采取的纠正措施承担责任。创造了一个敌对的住房环境(俄亥俄州最高法院第2008-Ohio-3320号意见书)。该案涉及在住房管理局的发展中与邻居争执,但值得注意的是,该案并未涉及PHA的管理人员或工作人员通过自身对房客的骚扰造成敌对环境的指控。该案的原告俄亥俄州民权委员会曾辩称,法院应采用与工作场所骚扰案件相同的标准,法院明确拒绝了这一论点,并指出,基于这些案件的代理机构原则确实存在。房东和房客不存在。有关更多详细信息,请访问www.nahro.org/members/monitor/2008/715.cfm#d。



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